Voter’s Guide: Candidate Statements
Misplace your sample ballot? We have you covered. Here are the candidate statements for the upcoming election:
United States Representative, District 24
Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district. Among other duties, representatives introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments, and serve on committees. (Source:

Salud Carbajal (D)
Occupation: Member of Congress
I’m Salud Carbajal, and I have continued to advance our Central Coast priorities in Congress.
I grew up in Ventura County, where my father worked as a farmworker. I attended UCSB while working two jobs to become the first in my family to graduate from a university. I proudly served our country in the Marine Corps Reserves and as a Santa Barbara County Supervisor. My wife, Gina, and I raised our family here and now our grandchildren are growing up in this community.
As the COVID-19 pandemic upended daily life, I focused on securing the funding our communities need. I helped pass direct COVID-19 relief and the American Rescue Plan that delivered critical resources to return children to school safely, keep small businesses open, and prevent families from falling into homelessness. To help quicken the recovery, I worked to pass a historic bipartisan infrastructure law that creates thousands of good-paying jobs for Central Coast residents and improves public transit, invests in broadband internet connectivity, and increases access to clean drinking water.
In Congress, I will continue bringing Republicans and Democrats together to focus on solutions for the Central Coast. I am proud to have worked on legislation that preserves our pristine environment, addresses climate change, and bans offshore oil drilling. I will continue fighting to create jobs, increase support for veterans, and make healthcare and prescription drugs more affordable.
I would be honored to continue working for you in Congress. For more information, please visit I kindly ask for your vote. Thank you.
Michele R. Weslander Quaid
Occupation: Wife / Mother / Educator / Scientist / Engineer / Entrepreneur / Nationally Acclaimed Executive

Do you want more of the same, or are you ready for positive change? I am running for U.S. Congress to uphold individual liberty, enforce fiscal responsibility, remove unnecessary regulation, and enable California’s Central Coast to flourish.
Progressive policies have had disastrous results. The government is overspending and printing money, devaluing the dollar. Now inflation has risen to a 30-year high, impacting every aspect of our lives. America was energy-independent, but now we rely on foreign oil — leading to skyrocketing costs for fuel, food, and other products. Our border is not secure, and there has been an increase in homelessness and crime. Government bureaucrats are trying to dictate every aspect of our lives, violating our inalienable rights in the process.
During my 25-year national security career in Washington, D.C., I served as a senior executive and policymaker, working with Congress, advocating for our men and women in uniform, leading innovation, and negotiating agreements that brought people together. I used my advanced technical degrees and vast business experience to build strategies and implement plans efficiently and effectively.
Do you want to continue down the Progressive path of fundamentally transforming America by dismantling the U.S. Constitution? If the answer is no, I am your candidate. You can count on me to lead with integrity and use my experience and expertise to defend your rights and bring about positive change to restore our constitutional republic.
Vote for Michele Weslander Quaid for U.S. Congress! Website:
County Superintendent of Schools
The majority of California’s county offices of education are governed by a locally elected county board of education and operated by a locally elected, non-voting, county superintendent that assumes the role of Chief Executive Officer. They provide student services, professional development for educators, and fiscal services for districts. The local SBCEO is one of 58 county offices in California. The County offices support local school districts by providing services that can be delivered more efficiently and economically at the county level. (Source: and; edited for clarity and space)
Susan C. Salcido

Occupation: Santa Barbara County Superintendent of Schools
As County Superintendent of Schools, I am committed to the promise of public education. I will continue to focus on the safety, well-being, and success of each of our 70,000 students throughout Santa Barbara County. With over 40 years in Santa Barbara County and 26 years in education, I am personally invested in our school communities. I am a product of Santa Maria public schools, a mother of two school-aged children, and the wife of a local public school teacher. I taught high school English, coached athletics, and served as a principal in Santa Barbara public schools.
Now, more than ever before, schools are relied upon for far more than academics alone. They provide a place of community, belonging, and consistency. They connect children to trusted adults who care deeply about their learning and well-being. They nurture children’s emotional, social, and intellectual growth and introduce them to life experiences different from their own. They guide students toward recognizing themselves as participants in a statewide, national, and global arena with a full range of possibilities in their future.
I respectfully ask for your vote so that I may continue to provide the trusted leadership our children, families, and educators deserve.
Christy Lozano
Occupation: Teacher

The people of Santa Barbara County deserve much better school leadership. Leadership that provides genuine opportunities, especially for the underserved. Leadership that enriches and protects our community. Leadership which produces exceptional results, not just good intentions. We cannot solve the pressing challenges in our educational system using the same thinking that created them. To achieve the educational outcomes we deserve, we need new and effective leaders.
I have the experience necessary: a local Santa Barbara teacher for 18 years, working with underserved students to overcome obstacles, accomplish goals, and to become their best selves. I’ve taught elementary through high school. I have 25 years of coaching experience. I’ve held leadership roles including Teacher-in-Charge/Elementary Assistant Principal, Head Coach, Union Representative, and Department Chair.
I served in the U.S. Air Force during 9/11 and was stationed overseas in an Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron. My professional credentials include: a B.S. in Kinesiology from Cal Poly, an M.A. in Educational Leadership, and an Administrative Service Credential from Cal Lutheran University. Most importantly, I’m the proud mother of a teenage daughter.
Let’s ensure our next generation is fully equipped with the skills, knowledge, and character to thrive. I’d be honored by your vote.
Clerk, Recorder, and Assessor
The County Clerk-Recorder records, archives, and provides copies of official records and vital records (birth, death, and marriage certificates); files fictitious business name statements and notary public oaths; files maps related to real property; issues marriage licenses; and files domestic partnerships. They maintain a permanent archive of recorded documents. All Official Records documents are recorded, indexed, scanned, and stored. The public may search and view records for free or copy these records for a fee, as allowed by law.
Santa Barbara County contains a wealth of land, buildings, and taxable personal property. The property tax revenues generated from these assets are vital to maintaining all county operations and public services. The Assessor’s Office identifies, maps, inspects, and calculates assessed value for these properties (typically taxed at 1% of assessed value). (Source:; edited for clarity and space)
Joseph E. Holland
Occupation: Santa Barbara County Clerk, Recorder, and Assessor

As your elected Santa Barbara County Clerk, Recorder, and Assessor, I am proud of the many improvements we have made in providing services to you. Most importantly I have stayed true to my pledge to conduct this office with integrity and to ensure that it is not used for political purposes.
We will continue providing fair and accurate countywide property assessments. By increasing the timeliness of assessments, we have improved essential funding for schools, municipalities, police, and fire services.
In the Clerk/Recorder arena, we have brought you enhancements such as improved digital access to recorded documents and expanded services in Santa Maria.
Elections in Santa Barbara are now more secure, reliable, and transparent. Increased outreach efforts focused on voter registration and early voting by mail contributed to record levels of voter turnout. Each of the five previous Presidential Elections saw turnout exceeding 80%!
My highest priority is to maintain the trust and confidence of Santa Barbara County citizens that the services provided by this department are not only provided efficiently and effectively, but are also provided in a manner free of politics.
Credentials: Masters Economics, UCSB; Bachelors Business/Economics, UCSB; Certified Public Finance Officer GFOA; Advanced Appraiser; California Real Estate Broker
Elrawd MacLearn
Occupation: Health Inspector, Goleta Planning Commissioner

Dear voter, thank you for partaking in this important democratic process. However, it’s said that democracy dies in darkness and that darkness pervades our elections since only the bare minimum has been done in educating you on voting, preserving the integrity of your vote, and showing you how to get involved politically. As your assessor/clerk/recorder, I will empower you to do that by updating the County’s website so it’s more transparent, increase public outreach, and provide ways to lower/eradicate filing fees. It costs upwards of $1,000 – $10,000 in fees to run for office, which makes it the pastime of the political elite. I want to truly make elections for the people and by the people. As a County employee, I’m familiar with having phenomenal staff, who are stifled by their leadership. Conversely, I’m a leader willing and ready to lead the county to a brighter future, where change and progress are welcomed. The way we get lower gas prices, affordable housing, increased diversity, remove elites, and have justice for all; starts here with your vote. Vote for me and let’s create a better future.
To learn more, visit
District Attorney
The District Attorney is responsible for the prosecution of criminal violations of state law and county ordinances occurring within a county. This includes investigation and apprehension, as well as prosecution in court; serving as legal advisor to the Grand Jury and, through its family support division, enforces parental financial obligations. The Board of Supervisors exercises budgetary control but not operational control over elected District Attorneys.
John Savrnoch
Occupation: Assistant District Attorney Santa Barbara County

It has been my honor to serve as your Assistant District Attorney, and now with the endorsements of retiring District Attorney Joyce Dudley, all five County Supervisors, Sheriff Bill Brown, retired Judge Rogelio Flores, retired Sheriff Jim Thomas, and numerous other community leaders, I am running for District Attorney.
As I enter my 30th year as a prosecutor, I have the knowledge and experience needed to keep you safe in this era of unprecedented changes in criminal law. Public safety is a right we all share. I’ll focus on seeking swift justice for those who threaten our neighborhoods with violence; supporting mental wellness initiatives and rehabilitation programs, while forcefully advocating for victims.
Protecting public safety and providing for an effective criminal justice system is a collaborative process. I pride myself as being someone able to work with all those involved to ensure that we have a fair, effective, transparent, and efficient means to deliver justice. With my many years of experience, I am uniquely qualified to work with law enforcement, local government, and community groups throughout the jurisdiction to address the diverse needs of Santa Barbara County residents.
For more information, visit I would be proud to serve you as your next District Attorney – I ask for your vote. Thank you.
The Sheriff has three primary duties: keep the peace (e.g., make arrests, respond to calls); attend the courts (e.g., superior court bailiffs); and operate the county jail. All 58 counties in California have a Sheriff’s Department and 48 of those counties also provide for the Sheriff to assume the duties of the Coroner. (Source: CSAC)
Juan Camarena
Occupation: Deputy Sheriff’s Lieutenant

Crime is on the rise in our county at a time when the Sheriff’s office has failed to attract new deputies; we need to be fully staffed and to avoid costly overtime expenses.
I currently serve as a Sheriff’s Lieutenant, manage the Criminal Investigation Bureau, and the SWAT Team. My background includes working in most of the roles in the Sheriff’s Department.
I have the endorsement of our major public safety agencies, the Santa Barbara County Deputy Sheriff Association and Santa Barbara County Firefighters Association. I am also endorsed by former Sheriff Jim Thomas. I want to represent all Santa Barbara County residents, and believe as one who started picking vegetables on local farms to honorably serving as a U.S. Marine, with over 23 years of service with the Sheriff’s Department and a master’s degree, I’m able to relate to the full spectrum of our community.
With roughly 47% of our community being Hispanic, I can bridge the gap and reach out to those who historically haven’t trusted our department to come forward to report crimes and seek our help. I want to be the Sheriff for all of Santa Barbara County. I ask for your vote for Santa Barbara County Sheriff. To learn more about me, please visit:
Bill Brown
Occupation: Sheriff-Coroner, County of Santa Barbara

Whether responding to the many disasters we’ve experienced in Santa Barbara County, or everyday challenges, the dedicated men and women of the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office — under my leadership — have kept our county safe. With your vote, I’ll continue to provide stable, strong, ethical, and transparent leadership during these difficult times.
I’m an experienced law enforcement chief executive. I have a master’s degree from USC and am vice president of the Major County Sheriffs of America. I am the only person ever elected by peers to serve as president of both the California Police Chiefs’ Association and California State Sheriffs’ Association.
I secured $80 million in state money and kept my promise to build a new, state-of-the-art jail in North County that’s helping rehabilitate offenders and reduce recidivism. Under my leadership, successful Mental Health Crisis Co-Response and Jail Based Competency Treatment programs were established. Since 2010, I have been appointed by governors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jerry Brown to serve on California’s Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, working to reduce criminal justice involvement for mentally ill people.
I have served diligently and effectively as your Sheriff since 2007. I am personally endorsed for re-election by over a thousand people from all walks of life and across the political spectrum. Once again, I ask for your vote.
Visit for more information.
Member of the State Assembly, District 37
The California State Assembly is the lower chamber of the California State Legislature. Alongside the California State Senate, it forms the legislative branch of the California state government and works alongside the governor of California to create laws and establish a state budget. Legislative authority and responsibilities of the California State Assembly include passing bills on public policy matters, setting levels for state spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes. (Source: Ballotpedia)
Gregg Hart (D)
Occupation: Santa Barbara County Supervisor

Gregg Hart is a Santa Barbara County Supervisor, representing the 2nd Supervisorial District. He grew up in Santa Barbara, attended local public schools, and graduated from SBCC and UCSB.
Gregg Hart began his professional career as a legislative assistant for State Assemblymember Jack O’Connell and went on to become the original manager of the Santa Barbara County Association of Government’s (SBCAG) Traffic Solutions program, promoting local green and sustainable transportation options. Later, he served as the Deputy Executive Director for SBCAG, supporting regional efforts to widen the 101 freeway and improve bus and passenger rail service throughout Santa Barbara County.
For more than 20 years, Gregg Hart owned and operated Transitions Preschool, a local, family business dedicated to early-childhood education and quality childcare. Starting in 1995, Gregg was elected to four terms on the Santa Barbara City Council. In 2018, he won a seat on the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors. He has served the Santa Barbara community for more than 30 years – as a Planning Commissioner, City Council Member, California Coastal Commissioner, and presently as the 2nd District County Supervisor.
As an Assemblymember, Gregg Hart will put the needs of Santa Barbara County and southern San Luis Obispo County front and center in Sacramento. Gregg’s top legislative priorities will be to focus on equity, criminal justice reform, environmental protections, education, economic opportunity, and practical initiatives to tackle homelessness and the affordable housing crisis. (Source:
Mike Stoker (R)
Occupation: Small Businessman

Mike Stoker is an accomplished public servant who has represented the interests of Central Coast families, farmers, and small-business owners for more than three decades. He has fought to provide fair, independent, and responsive solutions at every level of government, from Santa Barbara County to Washington, D.C.
Mike began his career in public service after graduating magna cum laude from UC Berkeley and receiving his Jurist Doctorate from Loyola Law School. He represented the second and fifth districts on the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors from 1986 to 1994. During this time, he also served as the Chairman of the County Air Pollution Control District and as a director on the Southern California Hazardous Waste Management Board.
He later served as the Chairman of the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board, Deputy Secretary of State, and as a member of the Agricultural Advisory Board to the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Most recently, Mike had the honor to work as the Southwest Regional Administrator for the EPA, serving over 80 million people and enforcing environmental laws in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Guam, American Samoa, the Marina Islands, and 148 Tribal Nations including the Navajo Nation in New Mexico. During his tenure, Mike was recognized by EPA Career Staff for his leadership, commitment, and passion in serving the mission of the EPA to protect human health and the environment. Outside of his work in public service, Mike is an accomplished attorney specializing in agriculture, labor, and environmental law. (Source:
Member, State Board of Equalization, 2nd District
The Board’s five members serve concurrent four-year terms as the nation’s only elected tax commission. Their popular election ensures that the Board’s tax program administration remains directly accountable to the people. Four members are elected by district. The fifth member, the State Controller, is elected at large and serves in an ex officio capacity. (Source:
Michela Alioto-Pier (D)
Occupation: Small Business Owner

I am Michela Alioto-Pier and I respectfully ask to represent you on the Board of Equalization. I’m a small business owner, disability rights advocate, and mother of three. I want to help Californians recover from COVID-19 and ensure a sound financial foundation for our future. I come from a family of immigrants who worked along the San Francisco waterfront and up the coast of Northern California. Now, as a Napa Valley grape grower, I’ve seen firsthand the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and global-warming induced fires. I will work to combat these and other challenges to California’s environment, economy, and families.
As a two-term member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, I emphasized job growth and economic development. I established San Francisco’s Office of Economic Impact, created the City’s first Economic Stimulus Plan and launched a Biotech Payroll Tax Exemption and Film Rebate Program, all of which created thousands of new jobs.
As a White House Deputy Domestic Policy Advisor for Vice President Al Gore, I advised on important federal initiatives on technology, job growth, education, the environment, and disability rights. As your voice on the Board of Equalization, I will ensure that our property tax programs are fair and equitable. I will ensure that the State of California receives the revenues needed to address the many challenges we face in the future, without further burden to individuals, small businesses, and families. California leaders like U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein and State Treasurer Fiona Ma support my candidacy. Please join us!
Peter Coe Verbica (R)
Occupation: Investment Advisor

Peter Coe Verbica is a fifth-generation Californian, who learned the importance of a strong work ethic growing up on a cattle ranch. Trained in business, real estate, law, and as a Certified Financial Planner, he brings extensive professional experience to the Board of Equalization, which oversees 58 county assessors who value and tax property throughout California. He currently serves as a Managing Director at Silicon Private Wealth and Viant Capital. Peter understands that Californians want good-paying jobs, safe neighborhoods, housing for teachers and first responders, and high-quality schools. As a volunteer, Peter has actively supported schools, military service men and women, youth ballet, the symphony, Asian-American culture, and California State Parks, including Henry Coe State Park, named after his great-grandfather. A father of four daughters, the oldest of whom served in the U.S. Navy, Peter believes in service to one’s community and country. He is the former Chair of the Military Care Committee, which provided hundreds of care packages to U.S. sailors and Marines. He is a graduate of Bellarmine, Santa Clara University, and MIT. He is a published author whose works appear in over 40 anthologies. Former President of the California Congress of Republicans, Peter Coe Verbica is part of the new, inclusive CAGOP – led by the accomplished Latina, Jessica Patterson. He is a member of Saint Francis Episcopal Church. Peter believes in a clear-eyed, efficient, and fair approach to governance and will bring a fresh perspective to this 143-year-old office. For more information, go to
Sally J. Lieber (D)
Occupation: Councilwoman/Environmental Advocate

My name is Sally Lieber. I am a corporate-free candidate running to represent you on the Board of Equalization. The Board oversees property taxes and other revenues for our State. Too often it’s a place where big money interests drown out the voices of average Californians. It shouldn’t be that way. I will fight to ensure that everyday people are heard; that our tax system is fair and equitable for homeowners, renters, people living with disabilities, small businesses, and communities of color; that utilities and other big money interests pay their fair share; and that every state agency works to combat climate change. My accomplishments in public office show that I care about people.
In the California State Assembly, I authored legislation that raised the minimum wage, created new environmental protections, and made more CalGrant scholarships available to deserving college students. As Councilwoman and Mayor of the City of Mountain View, I helped build affordable housing for teachers; blocked Big Tobacco from advertising near schools; opened new childcare and senior services for working families; and worked to ensure the rights of youth in foster care. I am the only candidate in this race that has balanced budgets and cut unnecessary spending at both the state and local level. I am proud that my work in the State Legislature has earned a 100% lifetime rating from the Sierra Club, the California League of Conservation Voters, the Congress of California Seniors, the Consumer Federation of California, Equality California, and Planned Parenthood. But I know that the most important stamp of approval comes from you. I respectfully ask for your vote.
Unopposed County and Local Candidates
Stephen P. Foley
Judge of the Superior Court Office No. 1
Betsy Schaffer
County Auditor-Controller
John Savrnoch
County District Attorney
Harry E. Hagen
Treasurer-Tax Collector-Public Administrator
Laura Capps
2nd District County Supervisor
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