History on Display

Santa Barbara Historical Museum is hosting two major side-by-side exhibitions with works by copper heiress Huguette Marcelle Clark and local landscapist Lockwood de Forest. It is the first exhibition of Clark’s impressive artwork since 1931, and is presented in collaboration with the Bellosguardo Foundation, which is running her former magnificent estate overlooking East Beach.
Her works include self-portraits, a still life, and many images, including a Japanese geisha, a ballerina, and a Spanish dancer, among others.
“We wanted to show the breadth of Huguette Clark’s talent,” says Dacia Harwood, museum director. “She lived a fascinating life, and we’ve learned more about her time in our community, while preparing the exhibition.” The show concludes June 12.
De Forest’s exhibition features many iconic local scenes, including Butterfly Beach, Mission Creek, Figueroa Mountain, and Old Mission Santa Barbara, along with two dozen oils. They are from a collection given to the museum by Oswald and Kathleen Da Ros. The show also touches upon de Forest’s other endeavors as an interior designer, author, and worldwide traveler. It runs through May 8.
Among the tony torrent of art lovers turning out for a sunset soirée to mark the occasion were Bill and Sandi Nicholson, former mayor Helene Schneider, Jeremy Lindaman, Gretchen Lieff and Miles Hartfeld, Rick Oshay, Josh Conviser, Sharon Bradford, Hattie Beresford, Greg Gorga, Jerry Jackman, John Woodward, and Brett and Natalie Hodges.

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