8 Feb 2022
The Key Class: A First-Hand Experience
Since I was about elbow height, I’ve been making grocery shopping difficult for my mother. If I’m honest, I’ve probably been making it difficult since before then. But it was around four or five years old that I developed the especially vexing habit of zoning out, stepping on her heel, and having us both ram […]
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American Riviera Bank Reports Annual Results
American Riviera Bank announced earlier this week unaudited net income of $11,829,000 for the 12 months ending December 31, 2021. This represents a 60% increase in net income from the $7,378,000 earned in the same reporting period in the prior year. In 2021, the bank achieved an annualized return on average assets of 1.04% and […]
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Romance in the Library
In the mood for a steamy read or just a happily ever after? We could all use some healthy distraction these days and Montecito Library staff are preparing for one of our favorite displays: “Blind Date with a Book.” Rather than judging a book by its cover, author, or genre, let us surprise you with […]
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Whales and Tales
“Whales are Superheroes” according to the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum (SBMM). The museum invited all artists in grades K-6 to submit ocean-related art for a unique exhibit. The artists gave their interpretation of a whale, a whale’s activities, or anything ocean related like kelp, starfish, dolphins, or other sea creatures. Crayons, colored pencils, or markers […]
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California’s Housing Fight Can Give You Whiplash
Here’s the conversation between California cities and the state government: California (Housing and Community Development Dept. – HCD): Hey cities, you need to build more housing. We’re short. Cities: Oh, um, hey, we don’t actually build housing. Developers do that. You guys stuck CEQA on us, code regulations, and housing elements. Where do we build, […]
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Lights Up on Luke’s ‘Rotten’ Musical
Something rotten happened to Lights Up!, the teen theater conservatory/company, which opened for business back in 2018. That would be the COVID-19 pandemic, which of course has been pretty rotten for all of us. But the pandemic really put Lights Up! through its paces as the company has been operating under the restrictions for more […]
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Green is Good! Healing the Biosphere One Step at a Time
Last week this column skewered the plaintive cry of the character Gordon Gekko in the film Wall Street when he propounded that “Greed is good.” In doing so we wrapped up the article by quoting one of the most famous and powerful of all capitalists, Chairman and CEO Larry Fink of BlackRock. The firm Fink […]
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COVID-19 Tests Available in Montecito
Montecito Water District has announced that this Friday, February 4, they will host a pop-up distribution center for at-home COVID-19 test kits. It will be a drive-through site, where those needing test kits can drive up and will be given one kit per person in their household. The distribution is from 10 am to noon, […]
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3 Feb 2022
Feeding the Flock
The COVID crisis has been quite a challenge for nearly everyone in the world. But for Santa Barbara Bird Sanctuary – the nonprofit founded in 2004 by director Jamie McLeod to rescue and often rehabilitate unwanted and displaced companion parrots – the pandemic really has been for the birds. Or rather, not so much, as […]
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Reflections with a Musical Legacy
SoCal native Karla Bonoff came of age during the early days of the emergence of the singer-songwriter in Los Angeles, playing her original songs on open mic nights at the famous Troubadour in the late ‘60s, where she met lifelong friends Kenny Edwards, Wendy Waldman, and Andrew Gold. The foursome formed Bryndle and made a […]
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Parklets To Remain Until End of 2023
The Santa Barbara City Council has adopted an ordinance that will provide an additional 22 months, until December 31, 2023, for businesses within city limits –including on Coast Village Road – to operate expanded outdoor business facilities and parklets. The ordinance also authorizes the continued closure of downtown State Street to vehicles while regulatory changes […]
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In the popular mythology of our culture, women have had a bad rap. The stereotypical images of the Mother-in-Law (never the Father-in-Law), the Dumb Blonde, and the Woman Driver – to say nothing of the Stage Mother, and the Spinster Schoolmarm – have been the butt of innumerable jokes. There has also been the legendary […]
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Climate Change
Climate change has been in the news a lot, what with extreme weather, wildfires, and the recent international negotiations in Scotland. What I thought I could do here is go into the science behind what’s happening to the climate system and to leave the policy implications to my fellow citizens and their representatives; kind of […]
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1 Feb 2022
Celebrating a Classic American Opera
Westmont presents Aaron Copland’s great 20th century American opera The Tender Land January 28 and 30 at 7 pm at Center Stage Theater in Paseo Nuevo. Purchase tickets, which cost $15 for general admission, $10 for seniors or military, at the Center Stage box office at centerstagetheater.org. Please visit the Center Stage website to view […]
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Justice for the Little People?
“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids all men to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets and to steal bread – the rich as well as the poor.” So wrote Anatole France in The Red Lily (1894). It is difficult to express the injustice of the legal system better than that one brilliant […]
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Montecito Planning Commission’s First Meeting of 2022
At last week’s Montecito Planning Commission hearing, commissioners voted unanimously to appoint commissioner Ron Pulice as the chair of the Commission. While there was some discussion about Pulice’s current non-resident status – he currently resides elsewhere in the county – it was decided that Pulice would be able to finish his term. Commissioners Susan Keller […]
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Lisa Greer’s Message to Philanthropy: Revolutionize
While she had built a successful career, Lisa Greer wasn’t born into wealth. But when her husband Josh’s company, RealD, IPOed in 2010, she was instantaneously vaulted into the 1%. With the money came an opportunity for Greer to give back, and in seven figure increments. But like others whose lives are transformed by a […]
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Brutoco for President!
His essay last week on the oppressive travesty of the California Utilities’ profit-grab to punish small-scale solar adopters is incisive, intensely angry, and wholly alarming. Not to mention using a great metaphor in “Jabberwocky!” (English majors always appreciate an apt literary reference to make a mockery of something so absurd as this “plan.”) So, thank […]
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