“Diary of a Partner of a Commercial Fisherman” was inspired by Santa Barbara fish wife Margaret Holden Eaton, author of Diary of a Sea Captain’s Wife: Tales of Santa Cruz Island. Diary of a POCF is a limited series written while Jason fished sockeye salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska. I hoped to share the uncertainties, […]
Lea másMonthly Archives: November 2021
NatureTrack is a nonprofit headquartered in Los Olivos aiming to champion access to the outdoors with field trips and new ways to engage with nature. Historically, NatureTrack has focused on introducing schoolchildren to outdoor spaces from the seashore to the inland oak woodlands of Santa Barbara County by providing cost-free outdoor field trips (more than […]
Lea másAt least as of this writing, autumn is fully upon us, the wind is chilly, and we are (please please please) getting back to some normalcy. I mean, we actually had a First Thursday Art Walk amid the Pianos on State Street! Let’s keep it up, everybody. Also, by the time you read this our […]
Lea másArnold Schaffer is aware of the obstacles that Sansum Clinic faces as the last remaining independent not-for-profit medical clinic in the state of California. The pandemic? It shut down or delayed outpatient surgeries and imaging centers — services that are needed not only for the community, but also to allow the clinic to operate. Competition? […]
Lea másNovember 21-December 30 Santa Barbara Sounds at SOhO The popular restaurant nightclub took a little longer than almost all other establishments to reopen after the forced COVID closures expired at the end of spring, but the entertainment-every-night emporium is now fully back in action. Peruse the calendar carefully for the hangout owned for more […]
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One of the sexiest cocktail bars in Santa Barbara just became the merriest. Pearl Social — a consistently great place to sip and be seen in the heart of Santa Barbara’s Funk Zone — is now part of what’s become a global Christmastime phenomenon. They call it Miracle. And it officially makes Acme Hospitality’s landmark […]
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While the past two years have been unkind to so many, live event producers have faced unprecedented challenges. The core concept of their craft has been at stake, with countless live events being cancelled. This was very true for Lucidity Festival, which was only a month or so out when the shutdown occurred. The Lucidity […]
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Buyers today are facing enormous competition for the best properties all over the country, and few places more so than Santa Barbara. To win the best properties today, buyers must be prepared to move quickly and confidently. As Exclusive Buyers’ Agents (EBA), we are advisors and advocates for our clients from contract to closing. But […]
Lea másNikki Barthelmess knows what it’s like, to look Caucasian on the outside, her appearance failing to showcase her bicultural background. She’s heard the quips about Latinas — those around her not aware that she is Mexican American. She’s seen the ignorance, from the halls of local schools to the business world. “We’ve got a long […]
Lea más‘Tis the season for seasonal beers. Between Oktoberfest and Christmas beers, this season has many beers that are only available at this time of year. Whether you are bringing beer to a holiday party or grabbing a gift for the beerdoe in your life, these warming brews simply fit the foods and moods of the […]
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Mary Lynn Harms-Romo readily admits that at 5:30 pm every day, she plans to step away from whatever she is doing to take in the snow. Yes, the snow. It’s a holiday benefit to her role as senior marketing director and local leasing manager with Paseo Nuevo — and a welcomed sight after the pandemic […]
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Whether it’s for a holiday gift or just something for yourself, the upcoming show, Ready to Hang, will have what you are looking for. This one-day pop-up art show will be held at the Community Arts Workshop (631 Garden St.) on Saturday, November 20, from 4-7 pm. The event is organized by Santa Barbara-based artist […]
Lea másGrounding oneself into the realm of Advanced Placement courses, heightened expectations, and overloaded schedules while beginning the search for one’s passions is not simple, to say the least. I’m in the middle of my junior year of high school and the looming idea of college that was always in the back of my mind has […]
Lea másWe can’t help but smile a bit brighter this time of year — the holidays just elevate the already epic nature of our slice of South Coast heaven. With this being our final issue of 2021, we naturally sat back and tried to highlight some ways you can enjoy the holidays, both alone and with […]
Lea másGanna Walska Lotusland and the Lutah Maria Riggs Society are collaborating to screen the award-winning documentary, Lutah – A Passion for Architecture: A Life in Design, this Saturday, November 20, at the Lobero Theatre in Santa Barbara. Lutah Maria Riggs is an integral part of Santa Barbara architectural history. Lotusland’s archives contain several drawings by […]
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It’s purely coincidence that this week’s Montecito Journal hits newsstands the same day the Granada Theatre officially unveils Plaza Granada, a new pathway to the theater and the historic arts district in downtown Santa Barbara with a private ribbon-cutting ceremony. The Plaza transforms the formerly barren parking lot behind the theater and the previously dark […]
Lea másBravery takes on many forms, some literal and some a bit more theoretical. But nuance aside, there is bravery in challenging the status quo, the “machine.” And believe you me, our local Democratic Central Committee (DCC) is a machine. Allow me to explain: Local party endorsements spring from the DCC, yet, because Santa Barbara is […]
Lea másElizabeth Gardner, Westmont assistant professor of communication studies, examines a protest by children and adolescents in South America on Thursday, November 11, at 7 pm in Westmont’s Global Leadership Center. The Paul C. Wilt Phi Kappa Phi Lecture, “Child Workers Redefining a Bolivian Childhood in the Código Niña, Niño y Adolescente,” is free and open […]
Lea másOne of the wonderful things about people, is that, in general, we trust each other. Betrayal is a violation of trust – but it is the exception, not the rule. Formal marriage is a solemnization of trust, particularly in terms of sexual fidelity. Divorce is common but getting married is still very popular. We even […]
Lea másAs I write this, countries from around the world are convening in Glasgow for COP26 to solve the climate crisis. It is 26 because for 26 years these meetings have been going on and the threat keeps getting worse. I first began talking about the climate crisis in 1981 when it was called Global Warming […]
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