101 Freeway Construction Holiday Update

Note to readers: This update covers the time period from Dec. 20, 2020 to Jan. 9, 2021. Crews will not work on Dec. 24, 25, 31, and Jan. 1 in observance of the holidays. Drive safe and enjoy the break!
Northbound Highway 101
Sunday nights, 9:00 pm – 5:00 am, 1 lane: N Padaro Ln to Sheffield Dr, on- and off-ramps at Evans Ave, Ortega Hill Rd, and Sheffield Dr
Sunday night Dec. 20th, 9:00 pm – 5:00 am, 1 lane: Bailard Ave to Santa Claus Ln
Monday – Thursday nights, 8:00 pm – 5:00 am, 1 lane: N Padaro Ln to Sheffield Dr, on- and off-ramps at Evans Ave, Ortega Hill Rd, and Sheffield Dr
Southbound Highway 101
Sunday nights, 10:00 pm – 7:00 am, 1 lane: Sheffield Dr to N Padaro Ln & Santa Claus Ln to Casitas Pass Rd, off-ramp at Evans Ave, on-ramp at Wallace Ave
Monday – Thursday nights, 8:00 pm – 7:30 am, 1 lane: Sheffield Dr to N Padaro Ln & Santa Claus Ln to Casitas Pass Rd, off-ramp at Evans Ave, on-ramp at Wallace Ave
On-ramp at Sheffield Dr, closed for the duration of the project, anticipated reopening 2023, drivers can use the southbound on-ramps at Wallace Ave and N Padaro Ln
Off-ramp at Sheffield Dr, closed for up to 16 months, anticipated reopening end of 2021, drivers can use the southbound off-ramp at San Ysidro Rd
On- & off-ramps at Reynolds Ave, closed up to 16 weeks, anticipated reopening end of January, drivers can use off-ramp at Linden Ave and on-ramp at Casitas Pass Rd
Off-ramp at Casitas Pass Rd, reopening December 21, during the temporary closure, drivers can use off-ramp at Linden Ave
Evans Ave Undercrossing
Flaggers will direct traffic with alternating lane closures as needed during daytime work for materials delivery and equipment movement. The majority of work will occur behind safety barriers with lanes open on Evans Avenue under the freeway bridges.
Sheffield Dr & N Jameson Ln – temporary stop signs will be installed at the intersection of Sheffield Dr and N Jameson Ln for the duration of construction of the Summerland segment
*Please note that consecutive ramps in the same direction will not be closed at the same time with the exception of the southbound on-ramps at Sheffield Dr and Wallace Ave. To view detour maps, please visit www.SBROADS.com and select the project segment.
Highway 101: Summerland
Along the freeway, crews will fence environmentally-sensitive areas, remove old cormorant nests and trim tree limbs, install underground storm drains, and install temporary highway lighting. Crews will remove old safety barriers from the median and then excavate old pavement and soil.
Sheffield Drive Interchange
Crews have finished installing underground supports (piles) for this stage of work. Crews will continue to build footings, install rebar (see photo above), and pour concrete for columns, side supports (abutments), and retaining walls for the new bridges in the median.
Evans Avenue Undercrossing
Crews will continue excavating and installing underground supports (piles) between the Highway 101 bridges for the new upcoming bridge. Please expect daytime noise when crews drive piles for the bridge supports (in January). Temporary lighting is being installed near the on- and off-ramps at Evans Avenue.
Highway 101: Carpinteria
Crews will continue placing rebar and concrete as part of the new Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement for new lanes and ramps near Reynolds Ave. Crews will also pour concrete for improvements at the intersection of Carpinteria and Reynolds Avenues.
Southbound Hwy 101 between Carpinteria & Santa Ynez Avenues
Crews will excavate and install underground supports (see photo below) for new wall sections. Work will then progress to building the wall footings and rebar installation. On Bailard Avenue, crews will pave the southbound areas between the freeway lanes and ramps.
For more information, please visit the 101 Freeway Widening project website at www.SBROADS.com, call at 805.845.5112, or email info@sbroads.com.