101 Freeway Construction Update

Now that the 101 Freeway widening project is finally upon us, the Journal will be regularly updating you on all the details of ramp closures and other construction news to help you better navigate the traffic. Here is what to expect on the 101 between Carpinteria and Montecito for the following week. Keep in mind certain closures will continue for the foreseeable future whereas others will change from week to week.
Northbound Highway 101
Sunday nights, 9 pm – 5 am, 1 lane: Casitas Pass Rd to Santa Claus Ln & N Padaro Ln to Sheffield Dr, off-ramp at Evans Ave and on-ramps at Ortega Hill Rd and Sheffield Dr
Monday and Tuesday days, 9 am – 3 pm, on-ramp at Bailard Ave, on- and off-ramps at N. Padaro Ln
Monday – Thursday nights, 8 pm – 5 am, 1 lane: Casitas Pass Rd to Santa Claus Ln and N Padaro Ln to Sheffield Dr, on- and off-ramps at Evans Ave, Ortega Hill Rd, and Sheffield Dr
Southbound Highway 101
Sunday nights, 9 pm – 7 am, 1 lane: Sheffield Dr to N Padaro Ln & Santa Claus Ln to Casitas Pass Rd, on-ramp at Santa Claus Ln
Monday – Friday days, 9 am – 3 pm, off-ramp at Casitas Pass Rd
Monday – Thursday nights, 8 pm – 7 am, 1 lane: Sheffield Dr to N Padaro Ln & Santa Claus Ln to Casitas Pass Rd, off-ramp at Evans Ave, on-ramps at Wallace Ave and Santa Claus Ln
On-ramp at Sheffield Dr, closed for the duration of the project (see detour map below, drivers can use the southbound on-ramps at Wallace Ave and N Padaro Ln)
Off-ramp at Sheffield Dr, closed for up to 16 months (see detour map below)
Closed at night intermittently from Nov. 1 – 14
Long-term closure starts Nov. 15 – During the closure of the southbound Highway 101 off-ramp at Sheffield Drive, flaggers will direct traffic at the San Ysidro Road and North Jameson Lane intersection during morning peak periods, 7:30 am – 9 am, Monday through Friday. New stop signs will be installed to create a 4-way, stop-controlled intersection at the southbound Highway 101 off-ramp and San Ysidro Road. Flaggers will assist in this area as needed. The combination of new stop signs and flaggers will enable a better flow of traffic during the detour that uses the southbound Highway 101 off-ramp at San Ysidro Road.
On- & off-ramps at Reynolds Ave, closed up to 16 weeks, use off-ramp at Linden Ave and on-ramp at Casitas Pass Rd
Off-ramp at Casitas Pass Rd, closed up to 1.5 months, beginning Nov. 16th, use off-ramp at Linden Ave (see map below)
Evans Ave Undercrossing
Flaggers will direct traffic with alternating lane closures as needed during daytime work for the installation of temporary safety barriers, materials delivery, and equipment movement. The majority of work will occur behind safety barriers with lanes open on Evans Avenue under the freeway bridges.
Please note that consecutive ramps in the same direction will not be closed at the same time with the exception of the southbound on-ramps at Sheffield Dr and Wallace Ave.
Sheffield Drive Interchange
The southbound Highway 101 on-ramp will close for the duration of the project, and the southbound Highway 101 off-ramp will close for up to 16 months.
Crews will begin removing old pavement and excavating near the bridge. Then crews will install shoring piles to support the construction zone. Once installed, crews will begin installing underground supports (piles) for portions of the new bridges in the median.