Concert Offers Orchestral Sampler

By Scott Craig   |   October 29, 2020
The Westmont Orchestra offers a concert under the Big Tent

The Westmont Orchestra, masked up, socially distant, and with bell covers over their instruments, will perform “An Orchestral Sampler” on Friday, October 23, at 7 pm. The event, which is being recorded live outdoors, will be available for free viewing at

Michael Shasberger, Westmont Adam’s professor of music and worship, will conduct the orchestra behind a face shield. “Our great delight in presenting these video programs is the opportunity to be together to make music, even outside in a tent with crickets chirping, wind blowing, a range of temperatures and cars passing by,” Shasberger says. “Working remotely with various online platforms for the first month of school was challenging in many good and difficult ways. We learned a great deal, particularly the value of being together!”

The concert will include Felix Mendelssohn’s “Fingal’s Cave Overture,” Mary Watkins’s “Soul of Remembrance,” Edvard Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A Minor Movement No. 3 with sophomore Emma Mitchell on piano, and Philip Stern’s “Arches Over Water.” 


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