More Meetups in Motion

By Steven Libowitz   |   March 26, 2020

Santa Barbara Spiritual Growth Meetup Group founder Kelsey Cordle doesn’t want to let the novel coronavirus curtail connection any more than necessary. So, she writes, “In light of what’s going on in the world, I’d love for us all to still ‘get together’ virtually.” Among the possibilities on the menu for the gathering over Zoom are meditation, breathwork, Tarot and other “card pulls,” prompts for journal writing, and just good, old-fashioned chatting and connecting. Be sure to RSVP for 1 pm Meetup on Friday, March 27, at to receive the link to the Zoom call for the free event.

Minette Riordan’s similarly sisters-oriented Art Journaling & Collage Playshops is also migrating to Zoom for a special free three-hour event on Sunday, March 29, called “Spring Cleaning for Your Spirit.” Join the creative sisterhood for a morning of inquiry, play, connection and creativity – a spring cleaning for your internal garden that might make use of some weeding and planting of fresh flowers. The playshop offers a feminine, sacred path to transforming your inner life and your business through creative play in a safe space with other women on a similar entrepreneurial journey. The intention is that by the end of the 10 am to 1 pm event you will be feeling inspired, refreshed, excited, and impressed with yourself and your creativity. No creative or artistic skills needed, just an open mind and an open heart. Riordan will provide a pdf of the workbook and list of things to have on hand. Visit


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