Local Realtor Named Carpinterian of the Year

Lori Bowles, an affiliate agent with the Montecito office of Coldwell Banker Realty, was named the Carpinterian of the Year for 2019 by the Carpinteria Valley Chamber of Commerce.
“I am honored to be named the Carpinterian of the Year,” said Bowles. “As a happy resident for over 35 years, I have loved giving back to my community by being of service to Carpinteria High School, the Carpinteria Valley Little League and other areas of our beautiful town. I simply wouldn’t be at home anywhere else!”
Active in her community, Bowles first served as a pioneer in the Carpinteria High School (CHS) Parent Support Group with the intent of supporting special programs for students and staff. In 2004, she took on a leadership role in the CHS Boosters and has continued beyond the graduation of her son through 15 years of service on the Boosters’ board, supporting 7,000 CHS athletes with over $400,000. The span of her service to CHS has been longer than the high school careers of 12,000 students, three athletic directors, two principals and four superintendents.
In addition to her service at Carpinteria High School, she has also been a board member of the Carpinteria Valley Little League since its inception in 1996. Over the years, she has served in numerous capacities, including secretary, concessions chair, fundraising chair, safety officer, information officer and team-parent liaison. She also continues to assist children with league registration fees so that every child can play without exception.