16 Jan 2020
Coming Home to Pacifica
Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association (PGIAA) annual Alumni Weekend, which takes place January 17-19, has a theme that resonates deeply with its teachings. “The Stories We Tell” welcomes participants, alumni, current students and visitors alike, to share in the magic of personal, cultural and mythic storytelling. Stories not only provide access to healing, teaching and […]
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Buddhism Beyond Bodhi Path
The Santa Barbara Buddhist Meditation Meetup, which frequently holds its events at the American Buddhist Meditation Temple on Orchid Drive near More Mesa, is branching out beyond that site to include more gathering outside and at other locations. The group will gather for a Half Moon Morning Retreat this Friday, January 17, from 8-10 am, […]
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Demystifying Dharma
Bodhi Path Santa Barbara is part of an international organization of Buddhist centers and groups founded by Shamarpa (the 14th Shamar Rinpoche) with the expressed purpose of exploring the methods and wisdom of the timeless teachings of the Buddha in order to better understand and work with our mind and emotions. Shamarpa, along with the […]
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Cold Spring Tavern
We needed to be tourists in our own town, so when my husband’s daughter and son-in-law came for a visit we took off. On her bucket list was to see a real stagecoach stop and away we went to Cold Spring Tavern. Leaving Santa Barbara it was bright and sunny. The closer we got to […]
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Christmas Memories
As the holiday season winds down it reminds me of when we lived in Naples, Italy with our four-year-old daughter Kim and baby son Dane. At Christmas time many families put up a crèche in their homes but these were extra charming. Some would be an entire Italian village with tiny houses, markets, villagers at […]
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Raising Our Light
On January 9, 2020, Montecito residents gathered for the second annual 1/9 debris flow memorial titled, “Raising Our Light: An Evening of Remembrance, Connection and Hope.” The inspirational event was hosted by Westmont College at the Murchison Gymnasium, its stage decorated with white roses and two small Christmas trees glistening with white lights. The event […]
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Elsewhere on the Classical Calendar
Celebrate the great Israeli-American violinist Itzhak Perlman on both film and in person as UCSB A&L first presents Alison Chernick’s 2017 documentary Itzhak, which details Perlman’s struggles as a polio survivor and Jewish émigré who rises to vast artistic success, at Campbell Hall on Thursday, January 16, then lets the musician himself share the tales […]
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Classical Corner: Dream Team of Winds
Camerata Pacifica kicks off the second half of Season 2 of its two-year “Why Beethoven?” project with a program wind program featuring flutist Jasmine Choi, oboists Nicholas Daniel and Claire Brazeau, clarinetist Jose Franch-Ballester and Pascal Archer, and bassoonists Judith Farmer and William Short, who no doubt are up to the task of tackling Beethoven’s […]
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In the Key of Joy
Sérgio Mendes just performed in Santa Barbara at Campbell Hall for UCSB A&L. Normally, we wouldn’t see someone of his stature – a three-time Grammy-winner whose nearly six-decades long career as a producer, composer, keyboardist and vocalist places him among the most internationally successful Brazilian artists in history – back in town just two scant […]
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Lost and Found
It’s easy to see why Katharine O’Brien calls her Montecito upbringing “a Cinderella Story.” The future filmmaker was just nine years old when her mother, Carla, a Santa Barbara native who had moved back home after years on the East Coast following a divorce from Katharine’s father, met Stephen Hahn, the distinguished billionaire art dealer […]
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Good Neighbors
Saying hello, bumping into someone in line, knowing the cashier’s name, seeing people and being seen – these are all components of social infrastructure, studied by sociologist Eric Klinenberg and fleshed out in his book Palaces for the People. These everyday affinities are part of what makes public library life so vital, keeping us civil […]
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Leadership by Laura
The hottest ticket in Montecito for the month of January is a seat at the Music Academy of the West’s Hahn Hall on Monday evening, January 27, 6 to 8 pm, for a FREE, 1st come, 1st served, debate between the Democratic incumbent, 1st District County Supervisor Das Williams, and the Democrat challenger Laura Capps, […]
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Rusack’s Chardonnay Program Delivers Three Unique Wines
You could call chardonnay Santa Barbara County’s darling grape. There’s more of it growing here than any other wine grape, blanketing more than 7500 acres. Much of it is gobbled up by wine producers in Northern California – the chard here is simply better – while Santa Barbara winemakers aim each year to make Burgundy’s […]
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No Expectations
It was nearly dark on the Carrizo Plain National Monument. I pulled up in my truck on a plateau of dry, crunchy grass overlooking the Temblor Range on the Elkhorn Plain in the southeast corner of the monument, coyotes yelping in unison in some nameless canyon. I was tired from five full days of guiding […]
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Not a Shred
Until quite recently, when you wanted to destroy paper and make certain that nothing on it could ever again be read, the preferred method was to burn it. That is still your surest recourse – but burning is now generally in disfavor, because it means polluted air. So, a relatively new manner of destruction has […]
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Desal Water for Montecito
As the current Montecito Water District Board President, it is incumbent upon me to ensure that the public is provided the facts surrounding the long-term (50-year) draft agreement with the City of Santa Barbara in order to provide a complete “desal” picture to the residents of Montecito and Summerland. Historical Background In 2010 and 2015, […]
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Letters to the Editor
Cover Story Correction I have to respond to the cover story of January 2, 2020, “LUTAH WHO?” Better fact-checking would have revealed that I purchased Los Suenos in 2003 and I continue to own Los Suenos with my wife, Susan, and we live there with our Border Collies Alamo, Creek, and Ranch. I found out […]
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9 Jan 2020
Amazing Gracie
Just over five years ago, Grace Fisher was a normal, healthy, happy, and extremely active high school teenager who was proficient at three musical instruments and eagerly anticipating attending the prestigious Berklee School of Music in Boston the following fall. Then, out of nowhere, tragedy struck at her 17th birthday party when she suddenly developed a severe […]
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Letters to the Editor
Enough is Enough Conversation following Mt. Carmel’s school Christmas program, at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Carpinteria, should have been about the adorable children and plans for the holidays. Instead, it instantly moved to concern about the near contact-high adults and children alike were experiencing that night in the Church. The odor of cannabis in […]
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A New Year, New Decade, New You
For years, I’ve traveled far and wide to try new wellness products and now there’s something available in our neck of the woods that can help you power up your wellness and self-care routine. This miracle machine, offered at Aesthetics Montecito, is called the HOCATT, which stands for “Hyperthermic Ozone & Carbonic Acid Transdermal Therapy.” […]
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