Campus Safety Welcomes New Chief

By Scott Craig   |   January 9, 2020
A) William Boyd takes over as chief of campus safety at Westmont

William (Bill) Boyd III, chief of campus safety at Westmont, served for more than 20 years with the Scott County (Iowa) Sheriff’s Department before arriving at Westmont in November of 2016. Boyd and his extensive law enforcement background played an instrumental role in the college’s response to the Thomas Fire (December 2017) and the Montecito debris flow (January 9, 2018).

“He is a winsome, dedicated, knowledgeable servant of the college whose dedication to the community has been on display since his first days here,” says Tom Beveridge, director of physical plant.

Boyd takes over for Tom Bauer, who served at his alma mater for 45 years. “Tom is not retiring but will continue on in a part-time role,” Beveridge says. “We will take advantage of his expertise in several important and complex campus safety areas.”

Boyd has worked to secure grants and other funding toward the installation of additional security cameras on campus. “It’s nice to have complete coverage across campus as well as in parking lots for the safety of students,” Boyd says. The campus has increased and improved signage and hired additional staff instead of contract workers to cover overnight shifts. “Campus safety is always trying to be more visible and approachable,” Boyd says. “We are here to help students, and by having Westmont employees working at night, we are more able to reach out to them, have personal conversations and development friendships.”

While living in Iowa, Boyd also served as a youth pastor overseeing a territory that included Wyoming and Nebraska. “It’s wonderful to be in a Christian setting where the students have a strong biblical understanding and response to the Gospel,” he says. “Being around them and worshipping together in chapel increases my faith.”

Boyd lives in Ventura with his wife, Karen, who works with Santa Barbara County Fire, and two sons William IV (16) and Nathan (12).


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