14 Nov 2019
Day of the Living Museum
The man was using a hatchet to make a spoon out of a log. “That’s the way it used to be done,” he told us. “People needed things to do indoors when it was cold and damp.” I zipped up my raincoat. “That’s why we have Netflix.” We were visiting the Weald and Downland Living […]
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Community Arts Workshop
On the corner of Garden and Ortega lies an unmistakable workshop. A wide driveway gives way to two large buildings with high roofs. A distinct, bold steel gate designed by David Shelton makes a grand entrance to the space and provides a firm statement that this site is about the arts. The space is known […]
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To Eat His Own
A gastroenterologist is a doctor whose techniques nowadays include inserting an endoscopic light down into people’s intestines. One member of that elite community recently wrote a book about his work, entitled, The Tunnel at The End of The Light. If I may say so, the whole process of eating, digestion, and elimination is one that […]
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Book Signing at Tecolote
Local author Elayne Klasson will be at Tecolote Book Shop this Saturday, November 16, signing her first novel, which she published at the age of 72. In her bold new fiction, Klasson dives into what it means to sacrifice everything you’ve ever known for a chance at happiness. Love is a Rebellious Bird follows Judith, […]
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Birgit Klein Interiors Opens
Los Angeles and Montecito-based full service interior designer Birgit Klein has opened a new showroom and design studio in Montecito, located in San Ysidro Village. A grand opening event is planned for this Thursday, November 14. “I have been coveting this space every since I moved here,” Klein told us earlier this week, during a […]
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Guy Webster Photos at Allora by Laura
Local artist, photographer, and art dealer Bobbi Bennett is once again partnering with Coast Village Road’s Allora by Laura owner Laura Dinning for a trunk show and reception. This time the event will feature the iconic photographic work of the late rock-and-roll photographer Guy Webster, who passed away in February. “Guy was a dear friend […]
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Montecito Association Sees San Ysidro Roundabout
Santa Barbara County’s Deputy Director of Transportation Chris Sneddon was in front of the Montecito Association on Tuesday, giving a presentation on the roundabout slated for San Ysidro Road. The current intersection includes traffic from North Jameson, San Ysidro, and the northbound entrance and exit of Highway 101. The new roundabout ties each flow of […]
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The Divine Mess: Laughter is the Best Medicine
Sarah Taylor has been acting since high school, but was always interested in the serious roles. She didn’t get into performing stand-up comedy until many years later, right around the same time her own struggles led her to investigate Buddhism. “It was very odd, because I had a real pull to just sit and practice […]
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World of Children
There’s always something new to write about. I got a call from Holly Murphy. She and her husband, Bob, were co-hosting a cocktail party at the Biltmore with John Paul and Lina Belltran to start a new chapter of World of Children in Santa Barbara. The Murphys had been supporters in Los Angeles for five […]
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From Rescued… To Rescuer
When the founder of the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (SDF) Wilma Melville was looking for a place and funding the banks all said, “You’re going to do what?” except Montecito Bank & Trust. It became a $30 million project and was open in 2010 for the business of training dogs to find live people […]
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FestForums Living Legend Award
Winning a Living Legend Award at the annual FestForums Santa Barbara is film director Penelope Spheeris. A not-to-miss three-day event is filled with a VIP Speaker Line-Up that includes Steve Baltin from Forbes Magazine, former World Surfing Champion Shaun Tomson, Skip Martin (Kool & the Gang, The Dazz Band), Jon Anderson (Yes), Grammy Songwriter Ray […]
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The Mystery of Martha
On the surface, What Martha Did might seem a strange choice for Launch Pad, UCSB’s innovative model of new play development that serves as a high-tech lab for playwrights-in-residence, UCSB theater students, faculty, and guest artists. The darkly funny drama about regret, facing the truth, and finding forgiveness features largely middle-aged characters, a bit of […]
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The Great Fight
Elaine Weiss, prize-winning journalist and author of the blockbuster book The Woman’s Hour, was fêted at a bustling reception at Tydes at the Coral Casino after speaking on The Great Fight to Win the Vote at Campbell Hall, part of the UCSB Arts & Lectures series. Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is teaming […]
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Horsing Around
The bridle crowd were out in force at Tecolote when Santa Barbara author Deborah Kalas launched her first book The Wild Herd: A Vanishing American Treasure. The 146-page tome is packed with pictures of wild horses at play taken by Deborah, who splits her time between our Eden by the Beach and East Hampton. She […]
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Playground for All
The elegantly dressed amazons were out in force at the Hidden Oaks Ranch when the charity Gwendolyn’s Playground, which is raising $4 million to build an all-inclusive play area, including disabled children, in partnership with the City of Santa Barbara and Parks and Recreation, at the Dwight Murphy Field, a tiara’s toss from the Santa […]
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Businesswoman-Volunteer Extraordinaire
Adele Marsh was born February 2 at 1:16 am in Utica, New York, into the arms of Faye and Nat Marsh. Faye was born in the US and is a descendant of Lithuania background while Nat Marsh was born in London, England, and one of eight children. Because of the backgrounds of both of her […]
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Letters to the Editor
Unchained and Untamed Thank you for running “The Nation-State Solution” (Letters to the Editor, MJ # 25/42) though “The Nation-State Problem” would probably been more fitting. I appreciated Bob Hazard‘s expose (“The Public Pension Problem,” MJ # 25/41) of CA and SB (as reported by 4th District Supervisor Peter Adam), fiscal problems attributed to retirement […]
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Lights Out in Montecito
Last week, two million fellow residents of the Golden State were intentionally blacked out by their public utilities without a whimper of protest from our publicly elected officials in Sacramento, Washington, D.C., or Santa Barbara County. Fortunately, Montecito, Carpinteria, and Montecito stayed alit, while residents of Goleta woke up last weekend to smoky air, face […]
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NEST Fest Nestles into SBCAST
Last August’s debut of NEST Fest – produced by the collective known as New Earth Star Tribe – was a deep, one-afternoon immersion in all kinds of healing and transformational modalities, from ecstatic dance to conscious talks, sound healing and movement and plenty of partner play. The event was hosted at a private East Side […]
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7 Nov 2019
Whiskey in the Jar: Ireland Sees New Growth in Longstanding Industry
My latest work trip to Ireland last week was fueled by food. The island nation is in the throes of a new three-month festival, Taste the Island, spotlighting its current culinary renaissance and luring international travelers with myriad foodie events. I spent the week doing recon by following my taste buds, and by happily gaining […]
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