The Divine Mess: Laughter is the Best Medicine
Sarah Taylor has been acting since high school, but was always interested in the serious roles. She didn’t get into performing stand-up comedy until many years later, right around the same time her own struggles led her to investigate Buddhism.
“It was very odd, because I had a real pull to just sit and practice for long hours, but also to dive into the comedy clubs in L.A. and hone my act,” Taylor recalled. “It was quite a wild ride.”

At a certain point, being pulled in two directions became too much, and Taylor – who had been teaching meditation and doing energy healing work for more than a decade – stepped back from the clubs to focus on her rapidly unfolding spiritual path.
Four years ago, she decided to see about putting the two fields together. The result is “The Divine Mess,” an event where higher consciousness and comedy collide, which makes its Santa Barbara debut at Yoga Soup this weekend. The idea, she said, isn’t actually all that strange.
“All the Buddhas and awake masters have a joviality and a comedic joy about them. That was also happening for me as I continued on my spiritual path. As those things that are not part of our true nature began to fall away. I just felt lighter and lighter and laughter just kept feeling more natural.”
As befits a spiritual stand-up, the show avoids any kinds of -isms that are popular with unevolved comics, and no bits that talk down to anybody or any segment of society. It’s more about poking fun at ourselves, Taylor said.
“We’re laughing about the frailty of humanity and the ridiculousness of our egos. The laughter is a moment of total presence and surprise, and those ‘aha’ moments of spiritual realization often seem like finally getting the cosmic joke, laughing at the idea that you ever thought you were separate from the universe or didn’t appreciate your radiance.”
But spirituality isn’t actually the subject of her set. Most of her jokes and routines are just regular comedy that she performs in front of non-seeker audiences in the clubs. “It’s a great way to test out the material to make sure it’s actually funny,” she said.
Still, “The Divine Mess” – which Taylor performs in yoga studios, retreat centers, and the like with fellow spiritually-minded comics opening with 10-minute sets (in this case, locals Victoria Charters and Madalena “Maddy” Fossatti) – does have one major difference with her typical act. The event doesn’t end when the laughter dies down, instead coming to a close with a 15-20 minute guided meditation featuring healing Reiki energy led by Taylor, who is a certified Reiki Master.
“You can lie down on a blanket and just let the healing energy wash over you,” Taylor said. “There’s something about coming together in this way after being together laughing that’s very different from a typical session.”
(“The Divine Mess” show takes place at 7 pm Saturday, November 16, at Yoga Soup, 28 Parker Way. Tickets cost $20 in advance, $25 day-of. Call (805) 965-8811 or visit Taylor also co-leads a Divine Ray Healing Group Session with Susanne Marie online via donation at 10 am on Saturday, November 23 [], and teaches the “Empath’s Basic Tool Box” workshop 1-5 pm Sunday, November 24, at the Crystal Shrine in Burbank. Visit
Wise & Creative at SBCC Seminar
Self-Healing through Accessing the Body’s Wisdom and Creative Intelligence finds Wendy Brewer leading an exploration of the self-healing connection between emotions and creativity, and how the application of creative expression can support health, healing and self-care. Students will experience the healing power of mindfulness, imagery, visualization and the creative process; discover how to access deeper feelings and awareness through guided meditation/focusing exercises with a specific theme; and engage in inspiring creative exploration activities to support healthy self-awareness and transformation. Admission to the10 am-1 pm class taking place Saturday, November 16, at the Schott Center is $29.
Montecito’s Thomson Sanctuary, which is both a private home and a gathering place created with the intention of supporting and enhancing members of the community’s journey to inner transformation, next hosts Goddess in Action, part of The Awakening of the Goddess Series, on Saturday, November 16. The women’s empowerment gathering features daughter-mother team Ragan Thomson and Dr. Nancy O’Reilly working with women to help them find their internal value and create success that matches the individual soul. Participants will be connected with other working women and receive the encouragement and support needed to bring the inner Goddess into action and enhance your business life. Those in attendance will learn to lead your business from the feminine energy, and be surrounded by other women who are seeking a meaningful and supportive connection, receive coaching by Thomson in learning to remove any obstacles on the way and say “yes!” to making money the way you want. Participants will also enjoy the breathtaking rose garden, walking paths through a reflective hedge maze, and the opportunity to connect with your inner self at a deeply soothing meditation garden.
More than a networking event, Goddess in Action is women coming together to create lasting and impactful forward movement within themselves, their businesses, and their community. Goddess Circle, Goddess in Action and Goddess Retreat are a progressive series of events, each of them designed to guide you deeper into the process of Awakening of the Goddess. Women can start anywhere in the cycle. Thomson: is a Transformational and Spiritual Life Coach while Dr. O’Reilly is a Clinical Psychologist and International Philanthropist. Email, visit
Mindfulness Retreat & Cultural Workshop
The next full-day mindfulness meditation retreat from the Santa Barbara Buddhist Meditation Meetup deviates a bit from the usual full-day retreat format to include more emphasis on sharing the hows, whats and whys of Thai Buddhist culture. Those curious about such questions as why the monks light incense and candles at the American Buddhist Meditation Temple, explanations of the number of Buddha statues seen around monasteries, the purpose of chanting, how to practice eating meditation, or why the monks wear orange robes, will have a chance to hear the answers. The 8 am to 4 pm event on Saturday, November 16, takes place at American Buddhist Meditation Temple, 1251 Orchid Drive. Visit
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