Seeing Green

It seemed appropriate that this year’s tenth annual sell-out Green Gala thrown by the 49-year-old Community Environmental Council, raising around $300,000 for the cause, coincided with Global Climate Week.
The boffo bash at Sherry Villanueva‘s Funk Zone eatery, The Lark, lavishly decorated in green hues, was co-chaired by Elizabeth Wagner, Carolyn Fitzgerald, and Leanne Schlinger, and emceed by CEO Sigrid Wright.
Energized Los Angeles auctioneer Jim Nye sold off an Aladdin’s cave of wares, including a Santa Ynez staycation, a harbor cruise for 20 on the Condor Express, a seven-day trip to Mangonui, New Zealand, a vacation in the Cayman Islands, and trips to Whitefish, Montana, and Boulder, Colorado.
Among the 304 environmentally friendly guests, noshing on the 90 per cent vegetarian meal and listening to the music of the Bryan Titus Trio, were Laura Capps, Hannah-Beth Jackson, Das Williams, Monica Babich, Karl and Nancy Hutterer, Stephan and Elizabeth Colling, Hiroko Benko, Hal and Haley Conklin, Pedro Nava, Miles Hartfeld and Gretchen Lieff, Rinaldo and Lalla Brutoco, Michael and Marian Baker, Pat McElroy, Justin and Mindy Mahy, Rick and Kristin Hogue, and Lanny and Holly Sherwin.
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