Party by the Sea

Host Frank Foster, Pilar Montoya, hostess Tiffany Foster, Miguel Rodriquez, Jenna Tick, Claire Blakey, Molly Green, Jennifer Freed, Roxy Petty, Jose Ibarra, Paulina Romero, Sarah Block, Rendy Freedman, and Melissa Lowenstein at the AHA! bash (photo by Priscilla)
It was the perfect time to meet new executive director Pilar Montoya when 20-year-old AHA!, a successful teen program which serves 5,000 families annually in California, hosted a beach bash at the Padaro Lane home of Frank and Tiffany Foster.
Pilar brings 25 years of business and financial management to the table working with companies and non-profits.
Among the 75 guests welcoming her on board, while noshing on canapés from State & Fig, were Jennifer Freed, David Edelman, Lisa Babcock, Martin Gore, Heather Sturgess, Marla McNally Phillips, Natalie Orfalea, Geoff Green, Kerrilee Gore, and Molly Green.

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