Charitable Gift Planners Bash

Surrounding musician Jackson Gillies are Andi Schoenbaum, Suzi Schomer, Tanya Gonzales, Susan Murray, Sarah House, and Jodi McLeod **there is an extra name in this caption** (photo by Priscilla)
Social gridlock reigned in the courtyard at the Lobero Theatre when the two-year-old Santa Barbara Council of Charitable Gift Planners, which helps increase community philanthropy through charitable gift giving, hosted its annual reception.
Chapter president and Noozhawk columnist Rochelle Rose welcomed more than 50 guests, including Greg Gorga, Ellen Goodstein, Anais Pellegrini, Charles Caldwell, Karl Hutterer, David Selberg, and Howard Jay Smith, to the Pete Clement-catered event while American Idol contestant Jackson Gillies entertained on his guitar.

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