Rotarian of the Year

Matthew Kowallis has been named Rotarian of the Year for the Rotary Club of Montecito, as announced during the club’s step-down dinner last month. An active member of the club since 2017 and a Rotarian since 2010, part of his contributions to the club included planning the club’s six local service projects over the past year as well as chairing the club’s Montecito Rubber Duck Race. The aquatic themed fundraiser has helped raise over $16,000 over the past two years.
In addition to the Rotary Club of Montecito, Matthew volunteers at the Carpinteria Valley Little League as well as the Montecito Friendship Center. He graduated from Denison University with a degree in Athletic Training and received his master’s degree from Canisius College in Sports Administration. Matthew and his fiancée, Rebekah, currently reside in Carpinteria.
Formed in 1954, the purpose of the Rotary Club of Montecito organization is to support efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational and cultural exchange programs.
For more information on the Rotary Club of Montecito, call (805) 962-2382.
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