Letters to the Editor
Scary Stats
Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation circulating on the web and social media on political and scientific issues, and few people take the time to fact-check statements that contradict common sense or consensus science. In a recent letter to Montecito Journal, using sign removals and research conducted by a PhD in Sociology, claimed that the glaciers in Glacier National Park were actually increasing.
According to the United States Geological Service website, “In Glacier National Park, some effects of global climate change are strikingly clear. Glacier recession is underway, and many glaciers have already disappeared. The retreat of these small alpine glaciers reflects changes in recent climate, as glaciers respond to altered temperature and precipitation.
“It has been estimated that there were approximately 150 glaciers present in 1850, and most glaciers were still present in 1910, when the park was established. In 2010, we consider there to be only 25 glaciers larger than 25 acres remaining in GNP.”
It is also a fact that 18 of the 19 warmest years on record for the planet have occurred since 2000, with the five warmest years on record happening during the past five years. In May, near the entrance to the Arctic Ocean in northwest Russia, the temperature surged to 84 degrees Fahrenheit, 30 degrees above normal. In June, Greenland saw temperatures soar up to 40 degrees above normal.
Meanwhile, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere eclipsed 415 parts per million for the first time in human history, and in the last 800,000 years. Given that our planet is our only home, it would be wise to stop adding heat-trapping gases to our atmosphere. Some say that CO2 is good for plant growth. However, one summer of 130-degree weather will kill all food crops. Last year, Van Nuys reached 117 degrees in July.
Robert Bolt
Santa Barbara
(Editor’s note: If your quote that “18 of the 19 warmest years on record for the planet have occurred since 2000,” is accurate, then every year since 2000 has been the warmest year ever. This is something we’ve never read or heard of before, but, what the heck, it is getting warmer… – J.B.)
The Funk Zone Brand
I wanted to send you some pics from the recent unveiling of my 8ft x12ft mural: “Funk Zone Brand.” The commissioned mural honors pioneer flyer Earl Ovington, and Santa Barbara’s rich legacy and contribution to Aviation History. It was unveiled in the Santa Barbara Funk Zone, and will hang for three years at 22 Anacapa Street.
Thomas Van Stein
Santa Barbara

Leave it to Fido
I always enjoy Hattie Beresford’s articles on Montecito history. Always wonderfully done. Please tell Hattie that while I had Ravenscroft listed a few years ago, research showed that Ayala Lane was named after Peggy Ravenscroft’s (Marguerite [Peggy] Doe Rogers Courtney Ravenscroft) road master, Juan Ayala.
That would be a good historical article: estates left in wills to favorite animals and pets.
Harry Kolb
Senior Estate Agent
Sotheby’s International Realty
Jamming With JAMS
It’s not too late, and there may even be an ad somewhere in this issue explaining more about JAMS, a non-profit music school in Santa Barbara that has been transforming and adding to the quality of life for children in Santa Barbara County for the last 11 years. We have three great women teachers and musicians that are in a band called Sound Of The Sun. They will be teaching our Youth Rock Camp music program from August 5th to August 9th. It’s a four-hour day (noon to 4 pm) and features lessons on learning to play music in a group setting, live performances, song writing, studio recording, and even some history of rock and roll. And, the kids will put on a show at the end of the week.
Sign your children up now and enhance their life, build self-esteem and have fun! Call me for more information at 805-252-0562 No experience necessary. We’d love to have you join us.
Nancy Earle
Santa Barbara
(Editor’s note: Ms Earle is Executive Director and Founder of JAMS (Jasmine’s Alternative Music School). MJ supports and encourages kids and parents of all ages to take advantage of Nancy’s enthusiasm and expertise – J.B.)
Sad Story
I think the wheels might be popping off when it comes to Trump. Instead of saying the American Constitution is uniquely Anglo and superior to all others, he told an American where she could go. And, it seems, Trump is using support for Israel as a measure of citizenship.
Seriously, sad to see.
Matt McLaughlin
Santa Barbara
Tie Him Down
Is President Donald Trump a modern day Gulliver? Has he traveled to the insulated world of Washington, D.C., where his critics, like the Lilliputians, are so unfamiliar and fearful of this giant that they must tie him down? Are they too small to comprehend his great plans for our country?
Before becoming president, Donald Trump was an exceptionally powerful businessman, an international builder, and a man who had furnished opportunities and employment to thousands.
Is it any wonder then, that as president, his policies are moving toward better trade agreements with foreign competitors, a rebirth of our nation’s manufacturing industries, and record employment for all Americans?
Now, as this Gulliver moves our nation forward, the Lilliputians can only snap at his heels.
Les Conrad
Inspired by Iago
I want to share the brilliance of the music created by my newest composer, Mr. Flip Hayner. If you Google tyburnoperas.com and click on “Iago” on the left side of the screen, you will be able to hear it. I hope you enjoy my rendition of the great one’s words to inspire this composer.
Gene Tyburn
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