Into the Wild

Santa Barbara’s 31-year-old Wildlife Care Network hosted a sunset soirée to launch a capital campaign to raise $5 million to build the Central Coast’s only wildlife hospital between Morro Bay and Los Angeles.
Already $500,000 has been donated to the organization, which has a $600,000 annual budget, and has so far rescued 2,920 animals this year, including 61 in just one day in June.
The beastly bash also served as my 66th birthday celebration, as the 50 guests sang Happy Birthday and, for good measure, For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow, before I dashed off to the Rosewood Miramar for a beach barbecue thrown by owner Rick Caruso for his Montecito neighbors.
Among the 50 animal lovers quaffing wine donated by Gretchen Lieff and John and Connie Pearcy, and noshing on the eclectic canapés, were Tipper Gore, Penny Bianchi, Gail Kvistad, Anne Towbes, Arlene Montesano, John Palminteri, Kristi Newton, Bob and Beverlye Fead, Beno and Kandy Budgor, Marie Larkin, and Michael and Kimberly Hayes.
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