Crane Country Day School Eighth Grade Graduation

The Crane Country Day School (CCDS) 2019 eighth grade graduation was held on Wednesday, June 19 at 10 am in the school center courtyard.
Opening the ceremony was headmaster Joel J. Weiss. He talked about the educational standards at the school, and how well these 8th grade students will excel in academic, athletic and the arts in high school. He thanked the faculty for their excellence and dedication, and the parents and families for their support. He said, “On behalf of Crane School, we are proud of the accomplishments this extraordinary group of students has already achieved. We have no doubt each graduate is entering into a new chapter with the ability to make a positive impact on the world around them.”
Mr. Weiss presented five traditional awards honoring character, leadership, and positivity for all. These are in addition to the annual 16 awards presented this week at the Special Student Assembly. The students, led by music teacher Konrad Kono, sang the “Crane Song” by Norman Gimbel. Each student was called individually to the podium where one of their 8th grade teachers read a vignette about their achievements and Mr. Weiss presented them with their diploma. The graduates received the traditional CCDS Presentation of Pins and performed the Vocal Presentations. The ceremony concluded with the formal Introduction of the Class of 2019. A reception for the graduates and guests was held in the courtyard.
Crane 2019 teachers for the graduating class are Shana Arthurs, Pat Bixler, Jennifer Bochsler, Louis Caron, Traci Cope, Joe Donahue, Richard Downey, Anne Fierberg, Alexis Fischer, Sabina Funk, Gretel Huglin Ridge, Konrad Kono, Lucy Lombardi, Ryan Long, Sarah Lopez, Aleena Malik, Doug McKenzie, Erika Sellin, Peggy Smith, Elizabeth Teare, Terri Willis,and Andres Wood.
The 2019 Crane Country Day School 8th grade graduates are: Malia Alzina, Cosi Arthurs, Paul Bitters, Paddy Blinderman, Owen Block, Jackson Briggs, Nora Collins-Burgard, Quinn Collins-Burgard, Rowan Dowdall, Oliver Dworsky, Ani Furmanski, Izzy Gaggero, Ollie Gaggero, Gigi Geyer, Audrey Gifford, Erich Goebel, Jack Gordon, Tyler Hughes, Isabelle Kim, Kendall Kopeikin, Oliver Levine, Emmett Mack, Hannah Markham, Lulu Marsetti, Joe McGonigle, Aden Meisel, Ximena Mejia Garcia, Molly Morouse, Isabella Ochoa, Eve Phillips, Babacar Pouye, Jacqueline Richardson, Ella Robins, Bach Ryan, William Schulhof, Lauren Schweitzer, Sontene Sedlin, Jade Silva, Ryan Slater, Lucas Urizar-Garcia, Arnav Wadhwa, Elli Westmacott, Jack Wintringham,and Tatiana Young.