23 May 2019
April (and May) Showers Bring May Flowers
Despite a last-minute change of venue because of heavy rain, the Dream Foundation’s 25th anniversary Flower Empower lunch at the Page Youth Center was a blooming success raising around $160,000 for the popular charity, which has fulfilled 32,000 dreams for terminally-ill adults since its launch. The 230-guest 9th annual bash was originally scheduled in the […]
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Visiting Paradise
It was our Eden by the Beach in Cinemascope when Visit Santa Barbara hosted its annual general meeting and tourism celebration Transformative Journeys in the ballroom of the Rosewood Miramar with 300 guests seeing a colorful visual presentation on a gigantic 8′ by 32′ LED wall. “We’re back!” declared Kathy Janega-Dykes, CEO, saying our tony […]
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StonePark Capital’s Latest Project Opens
Ubiquitous charity emcee and auctioneer Andrew Firestone has joined the inn crowd! Andrew and his business partner, Jess Parker, who run five-year-old StonePark Capital, have just opened their fourth hotel property in San Luis Obispo, the La Quinta Inn and Suites by Wyndham. The three-story, 102-room hostelry, formerly the Monterey Hotel, has a sky bridge […]
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Letters to the Editor
Expensive Water The five current Montecito Water District directors, who raised over $200,000 in campaign funds to help get elected, are close to finalizing a 50 years agreement with the City of Santa Barbara to purchase some of its desal water that could cost the 4,600 Montecito Water District customers about one quarter of a […]
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Local Control of Community Services
Montecito Association (MA) members have identified three issues – water security, including lifetime independence from drought; effective recycling with re-use of wastewater; safety and security from future flood and debris flows – as critical issues facing Montecito that need to be explored and resolved as the community looks toward a better future. To resolve any […]
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Workout Blues
Recently, I was describing my gym experience to some friends. “You go to the gym?”“On a regular basis.”“Really? Then you must be doing sit-downs instead of sit-ups.”“Do people get upset when you hog the five-pound weights?”“Who wakes you up when you fall asleep on the exercise mat?” It was about then I began to regret […]
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Wedding Bells are Ringing
Sue Brooks has been selling ads for Montecito Journal for… gulp… more than 22 years. When she first joined us, she and her husband, Steve (remember Brooks Jewelers on Coast Village Road where the Sushi Bar is now, next to Montecito Inn?) had two little girls: Michelle and Jennifer. Well, those girls are all grown […]
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Gathering No Moss
The Doublewide Kings will be playing the music of the Rolling Stones at SOhO music club in Santa Barbara on Friday night, May 31, beginning at 7:30 “with some of the mellower acoustic stuff while folks are having dinner (think ‘Angie,’ ‘Wild Horses,’ etc.),” says the group’s henchman (and high-profile Montecito resident musician) Palmer Jackson, Jr. […]
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Tee It Up
If you are a woman and are simply fed up playing with the guys, LPGA pro Lori Kibbie‘s Girls Night Out (GNO) league runs every Tuesday at Glen Annie Golf Club in Goleta, and again on Thursdays at River Ridge Golf Club in Ventura. I see Lori pretty much every Wednesday when I take advantage […]
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Going for Olympic Gold
Deacon T Buckley (his dad is MUS alum Tim Buckley) was awarded a gold medal at a recent National USASA (United States of America Snowboard and Freeski Association) ski meet in Copper Mountain, Colorado, in which he competed with regional winners from around the country (he had won two gold medals and two silvers in […]
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West Side Story
Just chalk it up as another spectacular success for Janet Adderley and her Adderley School for the Performing Arts, as some two dozen-plus of her students performed West Side Story onstage at the Lobero Theatre twice on Saturday, May 4 and twice again on Sunday, May 5. The highlight, for me, was the heartwarming and […]
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Most people would agree that courage is an admirable quality. The word came originally from the Latin word for “heart” – as in Richard, Coeur de Lion, or “Richard, the Lion-heart.” Dan Rather, once a leading TV news “anchor-man,” used to sign off with that single word, “Courage!” (His predecessor and mentor, Walter Cronkite, would […]
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16 May 2019
Rotary Club Scholarships
Montecito Rotary Club has awarded ten $1,250 scholarships to high-performing City College vocational and career technology students. “For more than 25 years, the club has made scholarships available, with the total amount of support provided during this time exceeding $120,000,” says club foundation president, the aptly named Cathy Cash. “The club membership believes in the […]
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Love Thy Neigh-bor
Santa Barbara equestrian Karen Jenkins, 80, riding her quarter horse gelding Homer, who was celebrating his 20th birthday, made history in a Century Club ride at the Earl Warren Showgrounds. The rare event is designed for horse and rider who achieve the combined age of 100. Karen, the wife of Jedlicka’s Saddlery owner, Si Jenkins, […]
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Rock Out
The amazons ruled when Girls Rock, which helps youngsters through music and arts appreciation, threw a third annual beach bash at the rustic Carpinteria home of music entrepreneur Marla McNally Phillips and her husband Lee. Our Eden by the Beach is home to the largest Girls Rock program in the world, says president Kerri Murray, […]
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Spring has Sprung
Social gridlock reigned when City College hosted its inaugural Spring Forward! gala, with 300 guests raising more than $400,000 for the work of the college’s foundation, headed by the ubiquitous Geoff Green. The college’s culinary arts, music, and art departments all played key roles, with surprise guest Michael McDonald joining the college’s New World Jazz […]
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A Wild Night
It was clearly a mane event when Santa Barbara Zoo hosted its fifth annual Roar & Pour, a sell-out attracting 1,500 oenophiles and gourmands, raising around $100,000 for the popular menagerie. Some 300 of the party animals splashed out for VIP tickets, allowing them early entrance to the fun fête, avoiding the crowds and giving […]
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Scholarship Soirée
Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara raised almost $300,000 when 150 guests attended the organization’s 34th annual scholarship event at the Goleta Valley & Teen Center, with Emmy-winning KEYT-TV anchor Beth Farnsworth as guest host, leading a lively panel discussion with current and former members about the lasting impact of their experience. The Biltmore-catered bash […]
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Three’s Company
At the Granada it was time for the tony triumvirate of violinist Joshua Bell, cellist Steven Isserlis, and pianist Jeremy Denk to shine, part of the popular UCSB Arts & Lectures program. The talented threesome were in glorious harmony playing works by Mendelssohn, Shostakovich, Rachmaninoff and Ravel. A blockbuster show… Like Father, Like Daughter CAMA […]
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Polo Season Sizzles Right Out of the Gate
With news that Prince Harry, wife Meghan, and newly-born son, Archie, might possibly be purchasing a second home in Los Angeles, the rumor mill has been running at full throttle. The polo-playing Duke of Sussex participates regularly with Santa Barbara Polo Club player, Nacho Figueras, the Argentinian Ralph Lauren Polo model, who competes on the […]
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