Scholarship Soirée

The Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara, which since its founding in 1962 has awarded in excess of $115 million to more than 50,000 students, marked its annual gift giving with a dinner for 290 guests at the SB Museum of Natural History.
This year, almost $8 million in scholarships was awarded to 2,445 students in ceremonies in Santa Maria and at the Santa Barbara Courthouse’s Sunken Gardens, with 3,345 applying.
Chairman Don Logan passed the baton to incoming chair Christie Glanville after two years.
Among the many supporters were Victoria Juarez, Janet Garufis, Joe Cole, Tracy Trotter, Erik First, Alan Griffith, Jim Knight, Carl Lindros, Patty Macfarlane, Nancy Ransohoff, Steve Hicks, Mindy Denson, and Geoff Green.

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