Living Local SB Heads to YouTube

TV hostess Gail Kvistad, whose show Living Local Santa Barbara has been airing on the Cox network for nine years, is going global!
Bubbly Gail tells me the show will be airing on YouTube starting next month (June), increasing its viewership massively from 57,000 local subscribers to a hefty international viewership.
Benefitting from one of the first shows to air globally is former Santa Barbara Polo Club patron, Andy Busch, whose new tasting room for his Folded Hills wine on Coast Village Road, just a tiara’s toss from the Montecito Inn, is being featured in the 30-minute show.
Having known Andy, a member of the Budweiser beer dynasty, for 11 years, I was invited to attend the taping, which features a number of his wines after he founded the vineyard on the 600-acre property 15 years ago, a short drive north of our Eden by the Beach and just four minutes from the Pacific.
“It is perfect for growing Rhone varietals and my favorite is the August Red, my father’s name,” says Andy, who, as of July 1, will be opening the estate, formerly owned by the Morton salt family in the late 1800s, to the public and is so named because it is located in a fold of the valley hills.
“I hope people will come into our home and see how we live. It will show our love of the land and family traditions from Anheuser-Busch.”
The ranch, which Andy shares with his wife, Kim, also stables two of the famous Clydesdales that have featured in the beer TV commercials and promotions over the years since 1933.
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