PAL Party

The Pacific had some competition when a sea of blue descended on the Coral Casino for the 20th annual Santa Barbara Police Activities League (PAL) Putting Kids First! gala, which raised around $200,000 supporting after school programming, leadership training, and summer camps for more than 1,000 local youth annually.
The 210-guest bash, which honored former PAL liaison officer Bryan Kerr, featured an auction conducted by ubiquitous emcee Andrew Firestone, including a barbecue for 40 at the Solvang ranch of Horse Whisperer Monty Roberts.
Among the tony throng were police chief Lori Luhnow, Peter Hilf, Janet Garufis, George Leis, district attorney Joyce Dudley, Ginni Dreier, Beverley Jackson, Lee Luria, Greg Huron, Mike and Nicole McGrew, Dana and Andrea Newquist, Ronnie Mellen, Bob Bryant, Jim and Pat Stretchberry, Craig and Laura Case, Jeff and Margo Barbakow, Beno and Kandy Budgor, Richard Auhll, and Bruce and Judy Anticouni.

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