Bridge Updates

This week, drivers can expect full overnight closures for two nights on Highway 101 through a portion of Montecito as Caltrans crews finish the final touches on the bridge rail replacement project on Olive Mill Road. The work will allow for the removal of the wooden support structure underneath the existing bridge, according to project manager Jason Kline. “We are anticipating completing all work on the project by the end of January or the first week of February, weather permitting,” Kline told us earlier this week.
Northbound Highway 101 will be fully closed on Wednesday, January 23 and southbound Highway 101 will be fully closed on Thursday, January 24 during the overnight hours from 10 pm until 5 am. Motorists headed in each direction may detour by using Coast Village Road between Hot Springs Road and Olive Mill Road. The final pieces of the project include completion of the sidewalk guardrail and bike rail installation on Olive Mill, the removal of five or six dead trees damaged by the storm, pothole repair, and a few other items, according to engineer Tristan Gebhart.
The major detours for the project to replace the guardrails on the bridge, which were damaged by the 1/9 debris flow, were completed before Christmas, after a four-month-long detour through the Danielson Road neighborhood.
Six more bridges continue to be rebuilt and repaired following the debris flow; in a statement released earlier this week Caltrans reported that full access along these bridges on Highway 192 will be completed early this year. The project is expected to cost $30 million. Here are the updates for each individual bridge:
Montecito Creek Bridge: Construction continues seven days a week from 7 am until 6 pm, weather permitting to maintain the integrity of the construction site and surrounding area during the rainy season. This bridge is expected to re-open to traffic with some restrictions by July.

San Ysidro Creek Bridge: Bridge rail work has been completed, work on crash cushions, guardrail, and bike rail work continues. Both lanes remain open during construction. Project completion is expected by the end of March.
Romero Canyon Creek Bridge: Structural work has been completed with roadway and utility work continuing. This bridge is expected to re-open to traffic by mid-February. Project completion is anticipated by the end of March.
Toro Creek Bridge: Bridge rails have been poured on one side of the bridge with the other side to be poured following the relocation of water lines this month. Roadway and utility work is ongoing. This bridge remains open with one-way reversing traffic control until project completion. The water lines are currently being relocated with completion anticipated by end of this month. All lanes of this bridge are expected to re-open in June.
Toro Canyon Creek Bridge: Structural work has been completed. Roadway and utility work is ongoing. This bridge is expected to be re-opened to traffic by mid-February with project completion expected by the end of March.
Arroyo Paredon Bridge: The precast bridge has been installed with construction of the bridge railing and deck surface nearing completion. This bridge is expected to be re-open to traffic by mid-February. Lash Construction of Santa Barbara is the contractor for the $10 million replacement of this bridge. Project completion is expected by the end of March.
Barricades and locked gates secure each location with detours available via local roads. Emergency responders will maintain access to these locked areas for public safety. A segment of Highway 192 is open to motorists but through traffic is strongly advised to continue using Highway 101. State Route 192 remains closed at multiple locations between Sycamore Canyon/Camino Viejo Road and Cravens Lane.
Caltrans reminds motorists to move over and slow down when driving through highway work zones.
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