Genius Matrix: Hall-mark of Change

Adam Hall spent more than a quarter-century as a real estate executive, building a business that made him quite wealthy in an area that focuses on private ownership of land and property. But then something shifted and he started exploring the deeper meanings of life, a journey that led him to co-found the Evolutionary Leaders, whose members also include such names as Michael Beckwith and Stanslav Grof, and create the Earthkeepers Alliance, which employs his real estate skills in acquiring large tracts of land for “conservation un‐development,” among other endeavors.
Now, Hall, a Montecito resident since 2010, is unleashing The Genius Matrix, a new process to tap into the quantum mind to experience more fully in business, relationships, and all aspects of life. He’s hosting an introductory talk from 6 to 8 pm this Tuesday, November 6, at the Impact Hub in downtown Santa Barbara. (Visit or to register or for more information.)
Hall talked about the work earlier this week.
Q. What is The Genius Matrix?
A. It’s the journey from the old, 1.0 mindset operating system – the selfish one of the ego – to the 2.0, which is the whole mind, which I refer to as the genius mind. The bridge between those two is the genius process, which takes us on a journey through the matrix of the old ways we operate into a new one of wholeness and interconnectivity with the quantum field. It entangles us with the greater totality of who we are, and the greater potential of the human experience.
To put it in context, we face many great challenges in the world now. But the opportunity is more of the story, because the challenges offer each of us and all of us collectively that chance to leap from old systems of separate minds… Genius is what might be called the Buddha mind or Christ mind – the mind that is inner-connected to the whole world. It’s about removing the obstacles that prevent that enlightened, self-actualized human experience from expressing itself. So, arts, sports, other disciplines, medicine, are the expression of it.
How have you developed this process?
I’ve been on an intentional path of consciousness and self-actualization for 15 years. That journey led me into an immersive experience and deep study of Jungian psychology, shamanism, and spirituality – primarily A Course in Miracles – as well as neuroscience and the science of the quantum field. The work is a culmination of all those teachings and that journey. It weaves spirituality with science and wisdom into a grounded, pragmatic approach. As Einstein said, you can’t solve a problem with the same thinking used to create it. The work has been birthed, and is now coming into the world as a pathway. Let’s not forget what Buckminster Fuller said: You never change things by fighting existing reality. To change things, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. This is a new model for being human.
What I’m bringing forth is a model of moving beyond the existing thought system of the ego and the separate mindset. It’s a step-by-step process that merges into the whole 2.0 mind. There are other people doing that. I’m not the only one. All paths ultimately lead to the integration of oneness and wholeness. What is unique about this matrix is that it weaves modalities of science – theories of the quantum field and entanglement – with cutting-edge neuroscience, shamanism, spirituality, and Jungian psychology. It brings together every aspect of our human nature, all the elements of what it is to be human.
What will take place at the upcoming event?
It’s an interactive talk to explore the nature of reality and human potential that each of us has. I’ll be answering questions like, “What is genius?” We will explore ways to discover your own genius and how to directly apply that in areas of relationship, work, wellness, and state of mind. The goal is to discover your own genius.
I’ll be introducing the six key insights to thrive in this era of great change: geospheric evolution, rapid change in the planet; biospheric evolution, epigenetics; noospheric, quantum field and entanglement; conscious evolution, our biological computers; AI evolution, the bionary human; and the bridge, a blueprint to navigate the journey from 1.0 to 2.0.
What’s available after the initial talk?
We will be offering a maiden voyage into the matrix for people to begin to experience the journey. It’s very experiential, immersive, nonlinear teaching – they are initiations, immersive experiences, heart work, dynamic multidimensional experiences that are investigations into consciousness, exploring our soul’s purpose and planetary purpose.
Issues of the iGeneration
The iPhone has ushered in all sorts of upgrades in connectivity and technological opportunities in the decade since its launch. But today’s teens and young adults (born after 1995), the first generation to spend its entire adolescence with smartphones, have had unique challenges as well. In this quarter’s Mind and Supermind talk from the SBCC School of Extended Learning – which has presented Deepak Chopra, Byron Katie, Gregg Levoy, John Gray, Judith Orloff, and Jack Canfield among many other thought-leaders over its 35-year history – psychologist, researcher, and author Dr. Jean Twenge discusses why today’s super-connected kids are growing up less rebellious, more tolerant, less happy, and completely unprepared for adulthood. iGen adolescents spend more time communicating electronically and consume information online at a rapid pace, and also spend less time with their friends in person and are more likely to experience unhappiness, anxiety, and depression. And, she posits, while iGen members also take longer to assume both the responsibilities and pleasures of adulthood, they also have more realistic expectations for the workplace. Twenge – professor of psychology at San Diego State University and the author of more than 130 scientific publications and six books, including the perhaps prescient The Narcissism Epidemic, published in 2010 – explores iGen psychology and discusses what can be done to help its members reach their potential.
Admission to the 7 pm talk on Monday, November 5, in the Garvin Theater on the SBCC campus is $25 in advance, or $40 at the door. Visit
MAP Training with Maiani
Santa Barbara native Nino Maiani has worn many hats throughout his six decades-plus in Montecito and the area, from a naturalist, to a musician who records and performs at functions and events to performing as a magician, and as an author, whose most recent book, Seven Secrets of Turning Your Dreams into Treasure, was published earlier this year.
He began his quest for meaning in life after graduating from UCSB with a major in experimental psychology, and later earned a master’s degree in mythology and depth psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute.
Maiani is an initiated Shaman Healer with 45+ years of traditional hands-on training received from some of the most influential Shaman/teachers/medicine men. He has spent 15 years working with Archie Fire Lamedeer, 10 years with Phil Crazy Bull, and the past seven years with Pete V. Catches, a 37th-generation Lakota medicine man who serves as his current teacher. Maiani has worked with thousands of men and women for 35 years to help them to profoundly transform their lives, live their purpose, and manifest their dreams in the world.
He discovered and developed MAP Training, a one-on-one, weekly spiritual training and development program, a specialized education for self-actualization and personal development. On his web page, Maiani notes that many people who have come to him have tried traditional methods to alleviate the psychological and physical problems to no avail. They are successful but also believe that there must be something more to life, that they were meant for more. Or perhaps they simply yearn to feel more excited about the day every morning, or want to move through an energetic issue keeping them stuck.
Maiani is offering an Introduction to the MAP Training from 7:30 to 8:30 pm on Friday, November 2, at Unity of Santa Barbara, 227 East Arrellaga Street. While admission is free, attendees must pre-enroll online at Visit for more details.
Interpersonal Meditation
Suzanne Marlow, a licensed psychotherapist (LMFT) in private practice who is currently studying to be certified as an IFS therapist in self leadership, is also senior instructor at Yoga Soup with more than 20 years of experience. That’s where she will be offering a workshop on Interpersonal Meditation this weekend. Participants will practice a form of meditation based on interpersonal relationship to increase ability in empathy and self-compassion. The techniques learned in this type of meditation influence and increase attentional capacity with insightful dialog inspired through mindful inquiry. Six intentions will be offered as the guiding principles to ground and gain clarity in the body, illuminate habits of the mind, and help soften that which binds the heart. Admission to the 1-4 pm workshop on Saturday, November 3, costs $30.
Heavy Breathing
That same evening, Yoga Soup owner Eddie Ellner hosts one of his periodic Ecstatic Breathwork sessions. As Ellner explains, the process itself could not be simpler: one lies on the back and breathes to a selection of music designed to accelerate and amplify the breath. The process induces what can most accurately be called a non-ordinary state of consciousness, from which other healings or insights may arise, though the experience itself can provide its own meaning and insight. Healthy and tasty snacks follow the 7 to 9:30 pm session, which has a special Halloween theme. Admission is $35 in advance, or $45 day-of. Visit
Voting with the Heart: Chanting and Songs at Unity
If you’re planning on casting your ballot in person on Election Day, make sure to get to the voting booth at least an hour before closing to make it downtown in time for Jaya Lakshmi and Ananda performing in concert. What better on a night in which polarization get exhibited at the polls that the Oregon-based couple’s combination of kirtan (call and response singing), bhajan (devotional hymns), and original singer-songwriter compositions in the English, Sanskrit and Gurbani. Jaya Lakshmi and Ananda employ guitar, harmonium, keyboard, bansuri flutes, and vocals to weave a sound current that offers balance and healing and can invoke a meditative and connected state. The couple have performed locally at venues ranging from Yoga Soup to Santa Barbara Dance Tribe and return to Unity of Santa Barbara at 7 pm Tuesday, November 6, as part of a tour celebrating Ananda’s first solo album, The Flower of Life. Coconut Bliss and Jem Organics are co-sponsoring the tour and will be serving their products on site. Tickets cost $20 in advance, or $25 at the door, with front-row seating priced at $30. Visit
Christian Science: What it is and How it Heals
That’s the title of a talk by Michelle Nanouche, a Christian Science nurse and practitioner since 1980, a one-hour lecture that “tackles the essentials of Christian Science – its unique value as a system of healing, its practical Christianity, and its broader contribution to solving individual and societal problems today.” The lecture, which the Paris-based Manouche derived from popular questions and has delivered in locations around the world, will explore such topics as “Why is it that genuine healing involves more than purely physical factors based on a patient’s biology and genetic makeup?”, “What does Christian Science offer beyond positive thinking or faith healing?”, and “How is Christian Science both spiritual and scientific?” The free talk takes place 3 pm Saturday, November 3, at the Faulkner Gallery in the Santa Barbara Public Library. Visit
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