At a meeting earlier this week, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors heard from Katie Freeman, a consultant with Hagerty Consulting, who presented an After-Action Report on the Thomas Fire and January 9 debris flow. The purpose of the report was to highlight the strengths of the County during the emergencies, while taking a […]
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Last week, Caltrans announced that three of the seven local bridges damaged in the January 9 debris flow will be opened later this fall, with one other expected to be completed by the end of the year. The $55-million project includes the Montecito Creek Bridge at Parra Grande Lane; Southern California Edison crews are expected […]
Lea másAlso at the Montecito Association Board meeting, Montecito Union School superintendent Dr. Anthony Ranii announced that he is recommending to the MUS Board of Trustees that necessary facilities improvem vhu7yents needed on campus be done with in-house funds instead of a tax bond, with November marking four years since the failure of Measure Q, the […]
Lea másAt last week’s Montecito Association Board meeting, the board heard from Rob Lewin, director of the County’s Office of Emergency Management, who gave a preview of a presentation that he will be giving to the larger community at a special meeting on Thursday, October 25. “As we approach the rainy season, it’s vital that we […]
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MontecitoTrails Foundation (MTF) has been working long and hard since the debris flow. Their mission as a nonprofit is to have volunteers and to keep more than 300 miles of trails open to the public. MTF folks want you to know “that thanks to your donations, membership and support the trails are really taking shape.” […]
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Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara gave their 17th annual celebration luncheon with the theme “Girls Have the Right!” at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The ballroom was packed with folks anxious to hear from speaker Brenda Feigen. Brenda is a feminist activist, attorney, constitutional scholar, and film and television producer. She was an […]
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Hearts Therapeutic Equestrian Center (HTEC) at 4420 Calle Real is a special place. As honoree and past president a couple of times, Barbara Toumayan shared, “It was a very small organization when I began fourteen years ago. It brings me total joy.” That will be echoed by thousands of individuals from children to adults since […]
Lea másWhen my wife, Carolyn, and I moved to Montecito, a primary goal of ours was to volunteer and give back to the community. We have since given of our time to local nonprofits and community organizations supporting the community of Montecito. When told of an opening on the Montecito Sanitary District Board, I expressed that […]
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In my exclusive interview with The Real Savage Henry, I asked if they will go public for the first time in my column about their disbanding the band, word I heard from them on the QT after their “last” gig at the Mercury Lounge back in May, as well as talk about making their final […]
Lea másAnne Torsiglieri has been seen on Broadway in Top Girls, Parade, Blood Brothers, and Miss Saigon, as well as in the official national tour of Les Misérables. Her off-Broadway and regional performance have taken place everywhere from Manhattan to the Pacific Northwest, and she earned DramaLogue and Garland awards for her portrayal of Catherine Sloper […]
Lea más“I look for microbubbles, that lie among the wheat, and bake them into mutton-pies, and sell them in the street,” to misquote Lewis Carroll. I’ve always wondered why the Walrus didn’t mention microbubbles as well. He certainly didn’t mind talking of those other things, like shoes, and ships, and sealing wax. Whenever I see an […]
Lea másFall is in the air! Summer’s over and “Back to School” shopping days are gone. Books and school supplies have made their way into the classroom, and the 2018-19 school year is well underway. I’m ready to begin the new school year too, visiting some of the talented teachers and administrators in Montecito and Santa […]
Lea másTwo years ago, the voters in Montecito and Summerland elected us, Tobe Plough and Floyd Wicks, to serve four-year terms as directors of the Montecito Water District (MWD). Based upon our recent service on the MWD Board, we fully endorse the election of the following five members of the Water Security Team: For Montecito Water […]
Lea másPat McDermott, 74, passed away peacefully at home in Camarillo on Sunday, October 7, 2018. Patrick was born in Osage City, Kansas, on July 21, 1944, to Arthur and Virginia McDermott. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1963 and served for four years. While in the Navy, he met his angel, Josephine Sandoval, and […]
Lea másThroughout my life, I have worked with people and organizations, studying and trying to help them produce change and then measure its impact validly. After 75 years of life, I feel like I have put my time to good use and learned a lot, not only about systems – how they work at the cellular, […]
Lea másLife seems full of the ritualized events we call “ceremonies.” Some people like them, others try to be elsewhere. I myself generally avoid weddings and funerals. They are so much alike – flowers, prayers, processions – sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference. This can be embarrassing if you forget which one you’re at and, […]
Lea másAs those of you who have read my column know, I have written about people who are still thriving and doing what they love in the third and fourth chapters of their lives. For the next few weeks, however, I am going to write about five of Montecito’s firefighters who literally saved our lives in […]
Lea másAs we reported in August, “Smart Meters” are set to be installed in Montecito beginning next year; last week, Montecito Water District (MWD) approved a 10-year financing plan with Holman Capital Corporation for the project’s estimated cost of $3 million. The main benefits of a Smart Metering Program are access to near “real-time” water use […]
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The Montecito Fire Protection District is hosting two meetings next week to discuss wildfires. The first will be a review of the 2017 Thomas Fire and the Department’s Wildland Fire Program, and the second will be a discussion about climate change and its effects on wildfires. On Wednesday, October 17, MFPD will present a report […]
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At their meeting last week, the Montecito Association (MA) Land Use Committee received a status update on the expansion of Highway 101. Matt Dobberteen, Alternative Transportation manager with Public Works, said that a design team has been hard at work refining the design of the highway widening through landscaping, hardscaping, and signage. “Because it is […]
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