Family Circle

Major supporters of the 119-year-old Family Service Agency came together for a President’s Circle reception at the rustic Birnam Wood home of Carole Macelhenny.
UCSB professor Mario Garfield spoke about the pressures facing young people in this age of new technology to the 30 guests, including Jim and Shirley Ann Hurley, Kevin and Marianne McCarthy, Steve Ortiz, Frank and Kay Stevens, Dave and Sandy Nordahl, Yeimi Arias, Katya Armistead, Lisa Brabo and Denise Cicourel.
The charity looks after the community’s most vulnerable children, families, and seniors.

Drawn to Writing
Santa Barbara architect Wade Weissmann, who has spent the last 20 years designing classically inspired estates around the world, has just completed his first book, Heirloom Houses.
Weissmann, who has offices in Milwaukee, Nashville, Chicago, and Pittsburgh, is currently working with his 35-strong team and top interior designer Bunny Williams on a palatial estate in the Midwest and designing a hotel in Nashville, among other projects.
In the colorful new 270-page tome, written by Steven Stolman, Weissmann takes readers on a journey through 15 of his beautifully crafted houses.
“It was an exhilarating experience to see it all coming together after a year assembling it,” says Weissmann. “It was overwhelming to see the culmination of all of our hard work. To call it ‘humbling’ would be an understatement.”
Bubbly Baseball
Montecito twosome Jon and Brandis Deitelbaum got some priceless publicity when the Los Angeles Dodgers beat the Atlanta Braves 6-2 to make it to the National League Championship series for the third consecutive year.
Afterward, the victorious team, the reigning National League champions, celebrated their win in the locker room by cracking open bottles of the couple’s Beau Joie champagne, which is produced at their vineyard in Epernay, France, which they featured on their Instagram site.
Their bottles are instantly recognizable, given they are encased in a lattice work of recycled copper, which has the practical use of keeping the bubbly colder longer.
“They travel with it on the team plane,” says Jon, who is just back from a whirlwind world tour launching his product in China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and the U.K.
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