A familiar scene will soon be on full display at the Crane Country Day School campus. This coming Sunday, October 28, golden hay bales will dot the athletic fields, students in burlap sacks will bob and hobble toward a finish line, and the heady smell of barbecue will waft through the autumn air. Welcome to […]
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Businesses along Coast Village Road are gearing up for next week’s popular trick-or-treat event, “Ghost Village Road.” The event draws roughly 2,000 costumed kids, parents, and pets each year, who make their way from Montecito Country Mart to Olive Mill Road. Most of the lower village’s business owners will take part in the festivities, passing […]
Lea másLast week, Montecito Sanitary District announced a vacancy on its Board of Directors, after it was announced that director Warner Owens would be stepping down from the board after moving out of the District. The District is inviting interested parties to submit their written resumes for the position by Wednesday, October 31, before 4 pm. […]
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This week, Santa Barbara County Office of Emergency Services will release a new evacuation and debris flow map to help get Montecito residents prepared for the rainy season. “Our team has been very reflective over the spring and summer, and we’ve arrived at this place to be able to give the public ample time before […]
Lea másWhen Jacqueline Lopez and her life partner, Michael Russer, confronted his double diagnosis of cancer a couple of years ago, they made a whole series of drastic changes. Having seen the results in both their health and outlook, the couple have been eager to bring those benefits to the larger community. Under one or both […]
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Youth Interactive has a new home at 1219 State Street – a shiny, contemporary, welcoming place. Mayor Cathy Murrillo was there to cut the ribbon along with a couple hundred spectators who wined and snacked (courtesy of the El Encanto). The Hutton Parker Foundation acquired the building (formerly the Unity Shoppe) in partnership with Youth […]
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It really was a Coral (Casino) Sunset when United Way gave its 22nd annual Red Feather Ball. The late Katherine Abercrombie is the honorary chair in perpetuity. She created the Red Feather Ball in 1997 after hearing the story of the Red Feather and how it came to symbolize giving during the Depression Era Community […]
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Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation (TBCF) gave its Gold Ribbon Luncheon on the Monte Vista Lawn at the Biltmore Four Seasons Resort in spite of the rain. It was a tad muddy, but with a tent roof hung with beautiful turquoise and gold balloons over our heads, we were all dry and cozy. The luncheon was […]
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It’s time to put on your running shoes for the annual AHA! fundraiser, Rock the Walk, on Saturday November 4, at 9 am with the starting line at Stella Mare restaurant across from the Andree Clark Bird Refuge. I met with event founder Kyle Brace and development director Molly Green at the Starbucks on Coast […]
Lea másby Ken Coates, Cori Hayman, Brian Goebel (candidates for Board of Directors, Montecito Water District) Dana Newquist, and Woody Barrett (candidates for Board of Directors, Montecito Sanitary District) When it comes to water and the environment, voters in Montecito face a stark choice on the November ballot: Change versus the status quo. The case for […]
Lea másIn last week’s Montecito Journal, newly elected water directors inaccurately castigated me for over half a page, but again failed to explain how they plan on paying the $7,000,000 a year in new costs they want the District to incur, except by increasing your water bills. They still have not said why, when it takes […]
Lea másWhat a pleasure to see my name in huge print featured on the Water Security Team flyer that arrived today. I would be delighted to answer the questions that were directed at me, as a candidate for re-election to our Board of Directors. 1) “Who Elected them?” I applied when there was a vacancy at […]
Lea másBringing Return to the Forbidden Planet back to the Rubicon Theatre just two years after the Ventura debut of the hit early-1990s jukebox musical based on Shakespeare’s The Tempest and the 1956 science fiction film Forbidden Planet was a case of a trite theater cliché actually turning out to be true. “It very definitely is […]
Lea másCarlitos Cafe y Cantina, the popular State Street eatery, a tiara’s toss from the Arlington Theatre, is celebrating its 40th anniversary next month. The Mexican restaurant, owned by Montecito residents Carlos and Leslie Lopez-Hollis, is one of the longest-reigning businesses on the ritzy rue. “We saw great potential with the location and knew we could […]
Lea másNearly a decade ago, writer David Wilk placed a classified ad in the Montecito Journal offering to use his talents to write biographies of local residents. Now, 10 books later, he is celebrating his 10th anniversary of a successful new career. “Advertising with the Journal has certainly been productive for me,” says David. “Back then, […]
Lea másThe Belmond El Encanto, after an extensive search, has a new manager in Santa Barbara local resident Colleen Huther. Colleen, who replaces Aussie Shaun O’Bryan, who has returned to the antipodes, has more than three decades of luxury hotel experience with brands such as Marriott and Accor. She is joining the 92-room luxury Riviera hostelry […]
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It was a most bewitching occasion when Alistair and Ann Winn and co-host Bonnie Dunlap threw an early Halloween bash in their Gothic conservatory, which raised $12,000 for the Bucket Brigade and Habitat for Humanity’s Montecito Mavericks from an auction of dolls. Guests had flown in from Seattle, New York, and Washington for the boo-tiful […]
Lea másFarmers & Merchants Bank, founded in 1907 and headquartered in Long Beach, is certainly making inroads in our Eden by the Beach. A year and a half ago, the bank – run by Santa Barbara Polo Club players Dan and Henry Walker – opened a trust department on Santa Barbara Street, near the police headquarters, […]
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The venerable Granada Theatre has been having a busy week. Cirque Mechanics, an inventive play on circuses of old, kicked off the week in a UCSB Arts & Lectures show, “42 ft: A Menagerie of Mechanical Marvels.” The innovative 80-minute show had machines interacting with acrobats, dancers, jugglers, and contortionists, much to the delight of […]
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Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics threw its first Healthcare Heroes lunch in six years at the Hilton when Ron Werft, president and CEO of Cottage Health, was honored by the 240 guests. The organization, which provides affordable health care for more than 22,000 people in its four medical and two dental clinics, also kicked off its […]
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