20 Sep 2018
Strings and Things
Santa Barbara Symphony’s 65th anniversary season, which kicks off at the Granada on October 20, promises to be a real humdinger. It includes a Stravinsky double bill, including The Rite of Spring, directed by the Ensemble Theatre Company’s Jonathan Fox with the State Street Ballet, and, for the first time on November 24, a Thanksgiving […]
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Mud in Your Eye
Hello, from Judith Ishkanian. Surely nobody expected Mother Nature to inundate Montecito with mud and debris nine months ago. But she did, It has been a remarkable experience for Montecito residents ever since. According to the Sanitary District records, 10 percent of our population is off-line, whether because of total ruin, major repairs, disruption of […]
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Yacht Club Charity Gala
The Santa Barbara Yacht Club (SBYC) got underway with their 14th Annual Charity Regatta benefiting Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care (VNHC) and celebrating our dedicated teachers. They were recognized for going 110 percent above and beyond the call of duty during the Thomas Fire and mudslides to continue their student’s education. They arranged alternate classroom […]
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Why I am Running Again
I, Dick Shaikewitz, am an incumbent Montecito Water District (MWD) director since 2006, holding a business degree from Northwestern University and a law degree from Washington University. I practiced law in Southern Illinois; primarily doing litigation. Montecito has been my home for 21 years. I served six years as a Montecito Association director. The Music […]
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Correct and Proper?
by Ken Coates, Brian Goebel and Cori Hayman In his recent letter to the editor, long-serving Montecito Water Board Member Dick Shaikewitz said: “So far, everything the [Water] District has done has been correct and proper.” (“On Recycling Wastewater,” MJ #24/37) We disagree. Let’s review what the water board has actually done during his tenure: […]
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“Couture Collection” of Cars
The 7th Annual Montecito Motor Classic (MMC) rolls onto Coast Village Road this Sunday, September 23. The show opens promptly at 9 am with an eye-popping stroll of historic and super-cars that will stay on display until 3 pm. Dolores Morelli Johnson, founder and chair of the Montecito Motor Classic, says “This is one gorgeous […]
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First Responders Honored
At a special ceremony at Fire Station 1 last week, the United States Postal Service unveiled a commemorative Forever Stamp that honors first responders. USPS district manager Alfred Santos told the large crowd that he was moved to host the unveiling in Montecito, following the Thomas Fire and January mudslides, and the exceptional work of […]
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On the Table
Foodies were out in force at the Lark in the Funk Zone when the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County hosted a reception to commemorate its 7th annual Table of Life fundraiser October 6 at the beautiful Montecito estate of Jim and Stephanie Sokolove, who are leaving our rarefied enclave for the balmier attractions of Boca […]
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Insanity Fair
A crazy old woman of RhydeAte too many green apples, and died.The apples fermentedInside the dementedAnd soon she had cider inside her inside. I learned that poem from my father, who knew many similarly questionable classics. (Another was “It wasn’t the cough that carried him off – But the coffin they carried him off in.”) […]
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Best Wishes
Santa Barbara’s 21-year-old Breast Cancer Resource Center found a different venue to park its annual gala fundraiser, which had 210 guests and raised around $200,000 for the non-profit. The boffo bash is normally held at the Coral Casino, but because of the devastating mudslides in January the tony beachfront locale couldn’t guarantee an opening date, […]
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Heroes of Hospice
Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB) hosted its sixth annual Heroes of Hospice Luncheon at the Coral Casino. It was a perfect venue for the theme “Jewels by the Sea.” A welcome reception was held on the terrace with waves crashing below. One of the reasons we all live in paradise! This luncheon was to honor […]
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Suicide of the West
National Review editor, Los Angeles Times columnist, speaker, Fox News commentator, author, and teacher (for nearly a year he taught English to Czech citizens after the breakup of the Soviet Union), Jonah Goldberg is a product of Manhattan’s Upper West Side. Jonah’s father was Jewish; his mother Christian; Jonah was brought up Jewish. Some may […]
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13 Sep 2018
Man and Woman of the Year
The Santa Barbara Foundation (SBF) gave its 75th Man & Woman of the Year awards, honoring extraordinary service and volunteerism in Santa Barbara, to Ernesto Paredes and Joni Meisel during lunch at the Coral Casino. The room was packed with friends and relatives of the honorees. Board vice chair Pamela Gann welcomed the crowd and […]
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Praying for Rain Not Good Enough
We should thank Judith Ishkanian and Bob Williams for their service to our community as appointed board members of the Montecito Sanitation District (MSD) for the past 12 and four years, respectively. I also want to thank the employees of the MSD who worked long and hard hours to restore our systems after the debris […]
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Why We Still Dig
Since the debris flow of January 9, 21 of the 23 victims have been found but, sadly, two have not. Lydia Sutthithepa and John “Jack” Cantin are still missing. The search for Jack and Lydia lies at the heart of our community’s quest for closure after this horrible tragedy. Looking for Montecito’s lost children is […]
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Peanut Butter Sorghum Balls
Growing up with two British parents, we never missed afternoon tea. It was an insisted-upon daily ritual to stave off hunger between meals. Or, maybe it was their way to give us a “jolt” of sugar and caffeine to energize us do our homework and afternoon chores. My mom was a bit of a renegade, […]
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Metrov’s Fine Art Group Exhibit Pops-Up
In the desert of vacant store-fronts, at last comes the oasis. Spawned and curated by multi-media artist Metrov, a popup fine art exhibit of six of the leading Santa Barbara artists is on at the Paseo Nuevo Mall, with the grand opening scheduled for this Saturday, September 13, from 5 to 9 pm. Here we […]
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Camerata Pacifica’s Beethoven Project
Camerata Pacifica began life almost 30 years ago as the Bach Camerata, a tribute to the famed Baroque composer whose music they frequently performed, including multiple concerts of the Brandenburg Concertos. But even before the Santa Barbara-based chamber music organization changed to its current moniker right around the time it marked its first decade, the […]
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Dancing Shoes
New York choreographer Doug Elkins, after a month-long residency at the Lobero as part of DANCEworks 10th anniversary, put on a fan-tastic 40 minute performance Kintsugi as the culmination of his creative stay in our Eden by the Beach. The 10-year-old company’s six talented dancers – Carolyn Cryer, Alexander Does, Cori Marquis, Donnell Oakley, Eric […]
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Infinity and Beyond
As the 965-ft., 2,170-capacity Celebrity cruise ship Infinity loomed large over the harbor, a tidal wave of generosity swept over the 146-year-old Santa Barbara Yacht Club for the 14th annual Yachts of Love regatta, which was expected to raise more than $130,000 for the 110-year-old Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care from the more than 400 […]
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