From the Ashes

The tangible results of One805’s Kick Ash bash at Bella Vista in Summerland in February, starring Katy Perry, Kenny Loggins, Wilson Phillips, and David Foster, among others, were on show when the first of three $200,000 mobile command units was presented to the city fire department chief, Lee Waldron, in a ceremony at the C.L. Tenney fire station, named after the longest-serving chief in department history, with 26 years of service.
The colorful fundraiser, thrown at the estate of hotel magnate Pat Nesbitt and his wife, Ursula, raised a hefty $2 million, of which $1.3 million has already been distributed for first responders, victims of the Thomas Fire and mudslides, and related agencies, according to co-chair Eric Phillips.
Richard Weston-Smith, former executive board member, said the services needed support “year in, year out, not just occasionally.”
“One805 is here to stay,” he vowed.
Two other mobile command units, which enable communications and coordination between multiple responding agencies, are being presented to the County fire department and Santa Barbara police.
Turning out for the ceremony were Greg Hons, Susan Petrovich, Arnie Brier, Eric Peterson, Gordon Morrell, Kelly Johnson, Michael and Nora Hurley, and Ron and Vicki Simms.

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