Whale of a Time

Birthday surprise for Coco Brown Brollier on this Hawaiian-themed cruise with Rose Fernandez, Tory Fernandez, Tia Fernandez, and Troy Fernandez with ukulele (photo by Priscilla)
It was certainly cheaper than flying to Honolulu, when Hiroko Benko, the ubiquitous owner of the popular whale-watching vessel, the Condor Express, hosted a sold-out, two-hour Hawaiian themed cruise for 127 guests for the fifth year.
For a mere $40, the guests – many in colorful Polynesian shirts and leis – enjoyed the hula dancing of twin sisters Tia and Tory Fernandez, while their father, Troy, showed his expertise on the ukulele.
‘It all makes for an entertaining tropical evening,” says Hiroko, whose guests included Sigrid Toye, and Peggy Wiley, and Wilson Quarre.
A mai-tai good time was had by all.

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