Roundabout Updates

Last week, businesses along Coast Village Road were given notice that a community meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 29, to discuss two new roundabouts that are in the works for the area: one on the corner of Olive Mill Road and Coast Village, and one at the corner of San Ysidro Road and North Jameson Lane. Although the Olive Mill roundabout had been in the works for years, the San Ysidro roundabout came as a surprise to Hedgerow residents, who heard about it for the first time last summer. Now, County reps are hosting a community meeting to give an informational update on both roundabouts.
More than four years ago, Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) directed staff to move forward on three local projects to be considered as part of the 101 widening: a roundabout at Olive Mill and Coast Village Road, mitigation of the railroad bridge at the Cabrillo Boulevard underpass, and assessment of traffic solutions at the San Ysidro Road freeway entrances/exits. Based on that board direction, SBCAG has been working closely with staff from both the City of Santa Barbara and County of Santa Barbara to continue progress on these projects, and while the Olive Mill roundabout has been in the works since that time, the new roundabout at San Ysidro Road was deemed necessary only after it was determined that the intersection at San Ysidro and North Jameson fell short on meeting the level of service required by the County.
Analysis performed by Kittelson & Associates, which was released last year, outlined a number of alternatives for both sides of the San Ysidro Road bridge, including roundabouts at both intersections on San Ysidro (one near the Miramar and one at North Jameson), as well as alternatives showing various combinations of all-way stops, traffic lights, and roundabouts. The recommendation of the evaluators was a combination of a roundabout at the north intersections and all-way-stop-control at the south intersections. According to County reps, this configuration meets County and Montecito Community Plan level of service requirements, addresses potential backups on the freeway off-ramps, provides continuity to the regional frontage road system with Olive Mill and Coast Village Road, minimizes footprint and impacts, and improves pedestrian and bicycle access through the interchange.
The roundabout at Olive Mill and Coast Village Road will include entrances and exits for Olive Mill, Coast Village Road, North Jameson Lane, and Highway 101. Both roundabouts are in the preliminary design phase with no firm dates on design completion or construction.
The Community Meeting and Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, August 29, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, at Chase Palm Park Center, 236 E. Cabrillo Blvd. For more information about the meeting, contact Walter Rubalcava, County project manager, at