An Oscar de la Renta pop-up shop is coming to Montecito Country Mart, in the former home of Intermix, which closed last year. The shop will open Thursday, July 19, and will be open until August 26, according to brand representatives. “Given our partnership with Lotusland and the fact that many of our customers from […]
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On Monday morning, exactly half a year since the debris flow devastated Montecito and destroyed lives and lifestyles, La Casa de Maria posted an update to its website about the ongoing recovery efforts. The retreat center located just below the San Ysidro Ranch was hard hit by the January 9 mudslide, as nine of its […]
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When the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History (SBMNH) began its Wine Festival, it was only about wine. Today it’s an even bigger event with the addition of restaurants’ food samples to go with wine. Ever-popular with another sellout crowd of 900 tickets this year three weeks before the event. Add in the vendors and […]
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Hospice of Santa Barbara (HSB) gave its summer Kick Off Party for the Shining Light Society at the Wine Cask Tasting Room in El Paseo. That was to say “thank you” to donors who have made a gift of $1,000 or more over the last few years or have made a lifetime gift of more […]
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The Art Foundation of Santa Barbara (AFOSB) invited members of the Santa Barbara Club to exhibit works of art they owned or their own art if they were painters. Keith Mautino Moore chaired and hung the event. Members gathered for champagne and delicious bites while perusing the pieces, including sculpture. The art was throughout the […]
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With an unprecedented 30 minute continuous waiting line to enter the super-packed Museum of Contemporary Art SB on the 3rd floor of the Paseo Nuevo mall, San Francisco born internationally renowned artist Barry McGee, [a.k.a. “Twist”] opened his exhibit there titled “Barry McGee: SB Mid Summer Intensive” on June 30, to the welcoming open arms […]
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The 94th edition of Old Spanish Days [OSD] Fiesta is nearly upon us. This year’s theme is “Tradition and Celebration”, noted by La Presidenta Denise Sanford, who declares, “Traditions are the very foundation by which individuals and families construct their identities, creating the bonds of community. To celebrate our community’s traditions,” she says, “is to […]
Lea másWhen I was a little girl, my favorite book was A Fish Out of Water. Based on a short story by Dr. Seuss, it’s about a little boy who buys a goldfish and is warned by the pet store owner only to feed the fish a little bit. The boy didn’t listen and he fed […]
Lea másThat long-running sitcom All in the Family always began with Archie and Edith singing a sort of pseudo-nostalgic ditty, “Those Were The Days”, which included the line, “Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.” President Herbert Hoover was indeed emblematic of his time. In his four-year term (1929-33), he had the misfortune […]
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While in the midst of a $50 million renovation, the Santa Barbara Museum of Art (SBMA) continues to function, even having opening exhibits and receptions. Recently they opened with two, Summer Nocturne: Works on Paper from the 1970s on view until September 25, and Nam June Paik: TV clock on view until October 14. Nam […]
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Okay, quick, what do the following names have in common: Denzel Washington, Jennifer Lopez, Shaquille O’Neal, Edward James Olmos, Jeff Henley (VP, Oracle, also president of United Boys & Girls Club of Santa Barbara County advisory board), and Angel Martinez (former CEO, Deckers Brands)? Give up? They were all at one time or another members […]
Lea másFrom a mountain cottage to an impeccably well-designed ocean-view condo, from a mid-sized estate with a tennis court near town, all the way up to Oprah Winfrey’s mansion property, Montecito offers real estate options for anyone who can afford a purchase price of about $750,000 on up. To expand on that, an entry level condo […]
Lea másAsk anyone why we celebrate the 4th of July holiday and the most frequent answer is that July 4 represents our nation’s birthday. This is only partially correct. On July 2, 1776 (not July 4), members of the Second Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, voted to declare independence from Great Britain for the 13 colonies. […]
Lea másSheriff’s deputies assigned to the Coastal Division have made several arrests the past week on a case involving a number of residential burglaries and auto thefts in the Carpinteria area. Sheriff’s deputies arrested two suspects on June 24, at an illegal camping area in Carpinteria and located items stolen from several residences in the region. […]
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The Hotel Californian was the site for the inaugural annual Santa Barbara hotel Olympics featuring a host of events including a bell cart race, culinary palate test, bike building, towel origami, and even cake wars. “After the terrible time we had at the start of the year with the devastating mudslides, we thought we needed […]
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Montecito fashion designer Kendall Conrad hosted a cocktail and dinner bash outside her achingly trendy Village Mart store for her friend Shiva Rose and her new 304-page tome, Whole Beauty: Daily Rituals and Natural Recipes for Lifelong Beauty and Wellness. Shiva, who lives in the Santa Monica Mountains, has created an eponymous line of all-natural, […]
Lea másTenzin Gyatso, otherwise known as His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama, has made several visits to Santa Barbara to offer his inspired messages of peace and hope for the world. Formally recognized as the 14th Dalai Lama at age 2, he assumed full duties at 15 in 1950 after the People’s Republic of China’s […]
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When someone from Los Angeles says to me, “What is there to do in Santa Barbara? They are inferring it’s such a small town. I always think, “What is there not to do?” We have our own symphony, our own ballet company, and our own opera company to name just a few. And then we […]
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Montecito culinary wizard Philippe Sautot‘s resurrected rock career continues apace. Last year, as a I reported in this illustrious organ, Philippe performed his first concert in four decades with old bandmates Sloane at a 450-guest gala in the charming Provencal town of St. Remy, which raised $52,000 for cancer research. He is just back in […]
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La Casa de Maria retreat center has a special place in our hearts. Don and I were married in their chapel 17 years ago. Many of our wedding photos were taken there both inside and out. It was all nearly destroyed during the January mudslide. They lost nine buildings and are still trying to decide […]
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