Our Common Table

Well, now, here’s a good idea, and it’s one we believe will receive a hugely positive response from Montecito residents. The recent Village Fourth Parade and Celebration – sponsored by the Montecito Association and financed by the Montecito Community Foundation – was an expression made up of equal parts of patriotism, community, joy, and relief, and served to point out how tightly knit our village really is.
A terrific way to cement that unity would be to join friends and neighbors on Thursday, July 26, on the terraces above the Montecito Union School playground, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. There, you’ll find a series of folding tables, set up end-to-end to form one continuous table. Your job will be to bring your own food and drink, “enough to share” suggests the flyer put together by the Lois & Walter Capps Project, which is sponsoring this event. Food suggestions include prepared side dishes, desserts, salads, hors d’oeuvres and/or main dishes. Oh, and bring your own napkins, utensils, plates, cutlery, and whatever else you’ll need to consume and share.
The Capps Project (see ad on page 27 of this issue) promises that what is being offered and what participants should expect is simply “neighbors breaking bread together.” There’ll be… “No program. No politics. No speeches. Just pot-luck food, live music, and a little togetherness in the midst of rebuilding our community.”
To become part of Our Common Table at Montecito Union School on Thursday, July 26, all you’ve got to do is show up. For more info, go to: info@cappsproject.org. Otherwise, see you there?!