17 May 2018
Hats Off Evening
“It is said that at any given time, somewhere in the world, someone is playing or singing a Jeff Barry song.” The Lobero Associates had the privilege of having a “Hats Off Evening” featuring the iconic songwriter himself and honoring him. It definitely “Lit up the Night.” The Lobero Associates are a group of women […]
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Found Property Viewing
The 805 Conservation, the Bucket Brigade, Hope 805, the Montecito Center, and the Sheriff’s Department are inviting property owners and family members affected by the debris flow to view items found in the mud. These objects include things found by the Bucket Brigade and Habitat for Humanity, items held at the Sheriff’s Office, and unknown […]
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No Average Dough
Too many cooks spoil the broth goes the old adage, but culinary wizards were in abundance when UCSB Arts & Lectures threw a benefit gala at the Museum of History with Anthony Bourdain, host of CNN’s Parts Unknown. The 61-year-old, who flew in from Bali via Dubai for the 300-guest fete, gave an expletive-filled speech […]
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Here’s Johnny, with a Concert and New LP
One not to miss live is singer-songwriter, musician’s musician Johnny Irion, no stranger to his love of writing music and performing live. His bigger-than-Texas heart of gold is returning happily and with deep affection to our town, with a live concert at the Lobero Theatre on Tuesday, May 22, to celebrate the launch of his […]
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Get Your Phil
CAMA – the Community Arts Music Association – is celebrating its century with 12 concerts featuring the world’s finest instrumentalists. Highlights will include appearances by the Los Angeles Philharmonic, violinist extraordinaire Itzhak Perlman, the Russian National Orchestra, and London’s Philharmonia Orchestra under the baton of Esa-Pekka Salonen in its International series at the Granada. The […]
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Montecito Trails Update
At the recent community information meeting hosted by the Montecito Trail Foundation (MTF), Santa Barbara/Ojai District ranger Pancho Smith noted that almost all of the hot spots within the Thomas Fire area had been extinguished. An official declaration that the fire is out is required before closed portions of Los Padres Forest can be reopened. […]
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Get up and Goat
Goats were in abundance when 12-year-old African Women Rising, a northern Uganda charity, held its second Goat Fest with more than 200 guests at a rustic Cold Springs Road estate, raising enough to purchase 300 of the animals. “It’s not so much a fund raiser as friend raiser, to draw attention to the 11-year-old organization,” […]
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High Horse
Santa Barbara Polo Club opened its 107th season with a bang when former patron Andy Busch and his wife, Kim, threw a bash for his new Folded Hills 15-acre vineyard in Santa Ynez. Andy, whose Grants Farm team used to be a regular feature at the Carpinteria club, bought the 600-acre ranch some years back […]
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Spirits Soaring
The Spiritualist Church of The Comforter of Santa Barbara has roots that date back more than 125 years to its charter in Summerland in 1891, when it served as the focal point of a small community developed as a summer camp for the newly founded Spiritualist Organization. The church had to relocate when the 101 […]
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Like for Like Fairest Way to Go
On Tuesday, May 15, the County Board of Supervisors (BOS) voted on an amendment that modifies the current “Like for Like” (LFL) ordinance that allows people who want to rebuild their home the same way it was before, to get an exemption from the County Planning and Development (P&D) permitting process. The Thomas fire/debris flows […]
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Take No Prisoners: 5Qs with Brett Leigh Dicks
Santa Barbara photographer-journalist Brett Leigh Dicks has spent the better part of 20 years documenting desolate urban places, including the last five inside of abandoned prisons across several continents, where his pictures portray the passing of successive generations through structures rather than individuals. This weekend, his new exhibition of black-and-white shots from inside of decommissioned […]
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Changing of the Grau
After 10 years as film commissioner for Santa Barbara, Geoff Alexander is moving on to pursue a career in real estate sales. He is being replaced by Ryan Grau – whose title is director of film and special events – who grew up in Ventura and moved to our Eden by the Beach in 1995. […]
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Cleanliness is Next to Buddha-ness
“Are you chewing gum?!” Pat asked. “Hai!” I said, using one of the many (three) Japanese words I knew. We were standing next to The Great Buddha of Kamakura “Daibutsu”, the largest outdoor Buddha in Japan. Built in 1252, the 44-foot-tall, 121-ton seated Buddha draws more tourists than the world’s largest ball of saved wire […]
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I Lost My House, I Won My Court Case, Now What Do I Get?
Our home in Glen Oaks wasn’t destroyed in the January Montecito mudslides, but others within a cat’s prowl lost theirs. This article about measuring “just compensation” in an inverse condemnation case is for my less lucky neighbors and friends. This involves real estate appraisal, which, like poker, is not very interesting unless played for money. […]
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“Like-for-Like” Ordinance Approved
On May 15, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors received a round of applause when they unanimously agreed to approve “like-for-like” ordinance amendments pertaining to rebuilding in Montecito. Planner Tess Harris presented the proposed ordinance amendments to the Board, noting that 470 structures in Montecito were damaged or destroyed following the January 9 debris […]
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A Dynamic Duo
The mad social whirl took on a whole new meaning when Montecito realtor Randy Solakian and Beverly Hills real estate powerhouse, Rick Hilton, hotel heir father to Paris and younger daughter Nicky, who married banking heir James Rothschild three years ago, hosted a Cinco de Mayo fete, just a tiara toss or two north of […]
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Where the Girls are
The amazons ruled when Girls Rock, which helps youngsters through music and arts appreciation, threw a beach bash at the rustic Carpinteria home of music entrepreneur Marla McNally Phillips and her husband, Lee. Our tony town is home to the largest Girls Rock program in the world, says president Kerri Murray, who is also president […]
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Day of the Lotus
Theatrical coach Janet Adderley has another winner on her hands with 13-year-old Dakota Lotus, who has just landed a star role in a new Disney TV series Coop and Cami Ask The World. Janet, who founded the Santa Barbara Youth Ensemble Theatre, is also helping coach Dakota, a Santa Barbara Middle School student, during the […]
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Missing the Bus
On April 4 1940, during an early stage of World War II, which American journalists dubbed “The Phoney War,” because not much actual fighting was going on, prime minister Neville Chamberlain, who had led Britain into the war, addressed his Conservative Party with a speech in which he used a common metaphor in a rather […]
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Hearts by the Shore
The American Heart Association (AHA) held the inaugural event, their Heart Ball, in the renovated ball room of the DoubleTree Resort by Hilton, formerly The Fess Parker. As the event chair Sarah Jaimes told the audience, “Thank you for joining us at the 19th year to celebrate the accomplishments we have made both globally and […]
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