Emma’s Revolution‘s latest album, Revolution Now, which came out last July, features the activist duo’s protest song take on a wide range of issues from reproductive justice to refugees, LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter, and the women’s movement. The album also features “Sing People Sing”, a loving tribute to the late folksinger icon Pete Seeger, who […]
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It is no secret that most women dream of the day they can walk arm and arm with Daddy down the flower-littered aisle while wearing a long white dress and veil while the organ serenades the bride-to-be in her, hopefully, once in a lifetime experience amid their closest friends and family. However, the cost of […]
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Santa Barbara County Arts Commission celebrated its 40th anniversary in grand style at a socially gridlocked Mural Room in the County Courthouse, while a number of locales including the Public Library’s Faulkner Gallery, Sullivan Goss Gallery, and Jardin de las Granadas also participated as venues. Santa Barbara’s Museum of Art also offered free admission in […]
Lea másMaking money and living a conscious life are not mortal enemies. So suggests May McCarthy, who over the last 35 years has founded and grown seven profitable companies, in a variety of industries including fashion retail, telecommunications, healthcare software, and capital equipment, that employs 250 people and bring in more than $100 million in annual […]
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Returning to the live performing circuit but no stranger to it, Jonathan McEuen performed an “Americana Showcase” in Carpinteria on March 24. With him were Mark Corradetti [Nashville] on lead bass, Phil Salazar fiddle [Ventura], Alvino M. Bennett drums [Chicago/Burbank], Sean Ingoldsby [Ojai] bass, and Mark Searcy acoustic guitar [Ventura]. The opening set show-cased 11 […]
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Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care (VNHC) will celebrate its 110th anniversary later this year. It continues to serve its communities and meet their needs when people are most vulnerable. It used to deliver firewood by horse-and-buggy and then started the first non-hospital health care service. Eventually, they developed homemaker and home health programs and provided […]
Lea másEarlier this week, California Insurance commissioner Dave Jones announced that insurers have received 2,000+ insurance claims totaling more than $421 million in losses from the Montecito mudslide. “Over $421 million in insured losses represents more than property lost – behind these numbers are the tragic deaths of 21 people and thousands of residents traumatized by […]
Lea másA new community resource was released last week, to help parents navigate and research summer camp enrollment. SBKidsCamps.com is a resource page for all Santa Barbara parents who turn to camps every summer to entertain, educate, and excite their kids. Parents can quickly filter through Santa Barbara summer camps by session week, price, category, age, […]
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Lots of people only know the name James Paul Brown for his unique paintings that appear on bottles of Sunstone wines. But that isn’t even half the story, as a short conversation with the now octogenarian Mr. Brown reveals. During our short talk at Sunstone Winery headquarters in Santa Ynez, James Paul tells me he […]
Lea másMontecito uber-philanthropist Sara Miller McCune has received a rare accolade. Sara, founder of Sage Publications in 1965 at the age of just 24, has been awarded the London Book Fair Lifetime Achievement Award for 2018. The peripatetic charity supporter, whose company employs more than 1,500 people in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington, and […]
Lea másThe awesome mountains above us still precariously harbor massive boulders, reminding us daily of our lost friends, neighbors, and family. Some of the 12-foot high boulders that traveled all the way down the mountain, past East Valley Road, sit like monuments to the enduring power of nature. What does the law have to say about […]
Lea másJeff Elliott has been running the Santa Barbara jazz jam at SOhO even before it was at SOhO, or at least before it was located where SOhO is now. The trumpeter/keyboardist/singer has led the house band/rhythm section backing up any and all musicians – professional and decidedly otherwise – who desired the chance to sit […]
Lea másI’m not sure how my bonsai trees talked me into it, but recently I spent $12.49 on something called Fish & Poop. Manufactured in Fresno, the city famous for its tasty raisins, Fish & Poop is listed as “a blend of fish-based nutrients and guano which forms a synergistic matrix that develops a cohesive partnership […]
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This week, eight street signs that were lost in the January 9 debris flow will be re-installed throughout Montecito, the first of 36 signs that are in the process of being repaired or rebuilt completely. “Many residents may not even notice that they are missing, but once they are back up, it will be a […]
Lea másAs we roll into spring, most in Montecito feel a temporary sense of relief, anticipating that any rainstorm in April will not rise to the ½-inch-per-hour threshold needed to trigger another evacuation. Evidence is that the added protection from new wider, deeper, boulder-lined creek channels restored by the Army Corps of Engineers and County Flood […]
Lea másDo you ever long for the good old days, when the sun went around the Earth, and we were really the center of everything? Science keeps discovering new ways in which we are less and less significant, and the world more and more strange. Not many eras ago, if I were to quip, “They told […]
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Surely Clint Eastwood didn’t envision Mono Lake as a sublime paddling destination during the filming of the 1973 Western classic High Plains Drifter, but today that high-desert realm located in California’s Eastern Sierra is just that, with a few surprises along the way. I had heard you needed a permit to paddle the expanse of […]
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The Westmont College Choir and Orchestra will host its Masterworks Concert tour performing Handel’s Messiah (parts 2 and 3) beginning in Santa Barbara on Friday, April 6, at 7 pm at First United Methodist Church, 305 E. Anapamu St. Admission is $10, students are free. For more information, contact the music department at (805) 565-6040. […]
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What a perfect theme for the perfect place! That was the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum (SBMM) transformed into the White Star Line R.M.S. Titanic, the ship of dreams. As co-chairs David Bolton and Cindy Makela said, “Love Boat was too corny.” Titanic had drama. It took us back to April 15, 1912. The Titanic was […]
Lea másI have been in science my whole life, and as I age I realize it rarely has needed a Newton or Einstein; it has just needed information and common sense. As an example, I realized in recent weeks after witnessing the current hysteria over rain and flooding, there is a simpler explanation to our freak […]
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