Benefit Concert Hits High Note

On March 8, young singer/songwriter Jade Hendrix held a family affair concert to raise funds for our community and those affected by the Thomas Fire and Montecito Mudslide. There were 70 lucky people who bought an advance ticket to see the performance in person in the living room of her mom’s designer house. The concert was live-streamed on Facebook to 200 peeps who couldn’t attend and wanted to donate to the funds. The show is still available to view through her Facebook music page with the option of donating, and donations are pouring in [see link below].

Jade was joined by her mother, Sharon Hendrix, a world-renowned backing singer for Tom Jones, Natalie Cole, and Barry Manilow, and by her godmother, Carol Dennis the legendary backing singer for legacy artists Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan, and Bruce Springsteen, as well as an impromptu song jam with her best friend, Portland-based actor Alexandra Ramirez de Cruz, who flew down to support Jade.
The concert took place in the intimate living room of Sharon’s new home with professional stage lighting, sound, and refreshments. Jade came out sporting her trademark jade-green hat and suede Chelsea boots. She proudly introduced Sharon and Carol, who took us on their musical journey for the next hour. Seated on white high stools, they gave harmony a new meaning in sound, with full dynamic range. With a last name like Hendrix, one would expect an ethereal rock horse to be in the mix; however, Jade’s music is a new-generation take on the Norah Jones genre. The set list included originals, a serious hard-rocking version of Stevie Wonder’s “I Wish” with Carol’s remarkable vocals, and closed appropriately with “Show Them Love”.
Afterward, Jade took time for an interview:
Q. How did the idea to do a fundraiser with Sharon and Carol come about?
A. My family is so music-oriented, so my mom, stepdad, and I have been talking about doing a house show for the better part of a year. But when the fires happened, and then the mudslide, we felt a strong call to action to do something as soon as possible. And my mom, godmother, and I love singing together so much, so this felt like the right moment to get the band back together, so to speak.
Now that the girl band is back, together what’s next for the Sharon, Carol, and you?

My goal is to go on the road with my mom and Godmother becoming a permanent fixture in the band. My all-time favorite shows are the ones I’ve done with them singing beside me, and I want that to become the norm instead of the exception. We’ve yet to write any music together, but I’d love for that to be a part of the next phase of our collaboration.
How did you select the two charities for the funds?
I selected two charities for the events: Greater Goods, which is based out of Ojai and the 93108 Fund, which is based out of Montecito. I thought it was important to choose two charities, so that we could guarantee disaster relief for those affected by the fires and the mudslide. What I liked about these charities is that they’re both supplying cash aid that goes directly to people who were affected, as well as raising money for long-term aid. I didn’t have a specific number in mind, only the aspiration to do as much as I could to raise money for a community that’s been so good to me. This was my effort to give back.
The meaning of music in your life at this moment…
As corny as it sounds, music is my life. It’s my outlet. It’s how I’m making my way through this world. And I feel so privileged to be able to use my passion as a vehicle to do a little good for my community.
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