Monthly Archives: February 2018

Get a Load of This

After the massive cleanup following the devastating Montecito mudslides, where to dump it? More than 20,000 dump truck loads – in excess of seven million pounds – of muck have been taken to the Ventura County Fairgrounds, where it is being stored temporarily. But with the totals increasing daily, officials face a daunting task. One […]

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Moving Forward

Last week, thousands of displaced Montecito residents were allowed to go back to their homes, after being mandatorily evacuated for more than two weeks following the mudflow event on January 9. The majority of Montecito residents and business owners are slowly getting back to their day-to-day routine, as others have spent the last week removing […]

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Santa Barbara Bucket Brigade

On Sunday, January 28, the grassroots organization Santa Barbara Bucket Brigade, led by Montecito Fire Protection District Board president Abe Powell, began helping homeowners clear out mud and debris from their driveways, homes, and properties. Dozens of volunteers, including local contractors donating their equipment and time, have assembled to help homeowners, who are overwhelmed with […]

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Author Wins Dallas Willard Center Award

The Dallas Willard Center for Spiritual Formation honored James K.A. “Jamie” Smith, professor of philosophy at Calvin College, with its annual book award for You are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit during chapel January 26 in Murchison Gym. Smith, the Gary and Henrietta Byker professor in applied reformed theology and worldview, has […]

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See the Light

Santa Barbara Museum of Art is accentuating the negative! Its latest exhibition, Brought To Light, highlights more than 100 photos by a dozen artists from the museum’s extensive and growing collection. A show within the show, Crosscurrents: American and European Portrait Photographs – 1840-1900, reflects how portraiture blossomed in the last six decades of the […]

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