All Santa Barbara Schools Track and Field Meet at Westmont College

By Cierra Nervo   |   June 25, 2024
Nearly 400 students competed in the 11th annual All Santa Barbara and Montecito Schools Track and Field Meet at Westmont (courtesy photo)

Nearly 400 students on Friday, May 24th, competed in the eleventh annual All Santa Barbara and Montecito Schools Track and Field Meet at Westmont College. In grades four through six, students competed in 11 events, ranging from the high jump to the 800-meter run. Peabody Charter School emerged as the overall meet champion, followed by Roosevelt, Washington, Adams, Harding, Cold Spring, Monroe, Franklin, Cleveland, and McKinley. Cleveland Elementary School took home the new addition to this year’s meet, the School Spirit Award, voted on by the PE teachers.

Westmont College Track and Field Coach Russell Smelley and Cold Spring School District Superintendent Dr. Amy Alzina founded the meet 11 years ago to expose students to the sport and a college environment, fostering connections among students from various neighborhood schools. “I’m deeply grateful to all the schools that participated in the Track and Field Meet. This meet is truly about closing the opportunity gap! The meet is made possible with the partnership from Westmont College, Coach Russell Smelley, Coach Derek Masterson, the Cold Spring School parent volunteers who served as timers and field event recorders, and the dedicated Physical Education teachers from each of the school sites. The students enjoyed the friendly competition, but I think they enjoyed eating lunch in the Westmont Dining Commons just as much! At the end of the day, everyone left with lots of smiles!” said Dr. Alzina.


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