A TVSB Birthday

By Richard Mineards   |   June 18, 2024
Justin Gunn, Rebecca Brand, Meighann Helene, Erik Davis, and Gary Dobbins (photo by Priscilla)

TV Santa Barbara celebrated its 49th birthday with a socially gridlocked reception and awards gala, featuring a performance by Sir Elton John’s lyricist Bernie Taupin’s daughter, Georgey, last year’s junior Spirit of Fiesta, and guitarist and lyricist Glen Phillips of Toad the Wet Sprocket and The New Vibe.

The boffo bash, chaired by the ubiquitous Rebecca Brand, was held at the station’s new State Street satellite office and media center opposite the venerable Granada, with 150 guests raising around $30,000, according to executive officer Erik Davis.

The Media Whig Award went to Harvey Emerald, presented by Hollie Collins and Justin Gunn, the Media Access Advocate Award to Bob Lovgren, and the Nonprofit Champion Award to Cynder Sinclair presented by Greg Gorga.

Auction items included a three-night stay as Casa de Azul Y Oro at the Brander Vineyard in Los Olivos, a VIP package at Fiesta Pequeña, and the Fiesta parade, and a Summer Solstice VIP package.

Supporters turning out included David Bolton, Oscar Gutierrez, Dacia and Jack Harwood, Earl Minnis, Musette Profant, Drew Wakefield, Keith and Mary Hudson, Donna Reeves, Maitland Ward, and Lisa Osborn.


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